Stories and Voices
Our knowledge of history defines our understanding of the present. With these posts the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries lifts up our awareness of the history of people of marginalized identity so their actions can influence ours. Meet Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for President of the United States in the election of 1872.
By Ted Resnikoff | May 8, 2018 | From Stories and Voices -
Watch the premiere of Come Sunday on Netflix on Friday, April 13. Produced by Ira Glass of This American Life, the story of Pentecostal Bishop Carlton Pearson’s epiphany of inclusion shows what happens when a responsible search for truth and meaning runs into religious dogmatism. This movie is relevant viewing for people of every faith, even more so for Unitarian Universalists who want to work toward the creation of Beloved Community.
By Ted Resnikoff | April 9, 2018 | From Future of Faith -
In this month’s episode, Bart reviews Lyn Mikel Brown’s Powered By Girl. Published by Beacon Press, Powered by Girl explores how young women are embracing activism and are showing up for themselves and their peers. It also serves as a guide for adults who want to support youth activism. This is a timely read in the era of the Movement for Black Lives, #MeToo, and #Enough.
By Bart Frost | March 30, 2018 | From Stories and Voices -
Religious Educator Jamaine Cripe reports from the first ever Youth Ministry Leadership Exchange on the big takeaway anyone interested in successful youth ministry needs to know.
By Jamaine Cripe | March 2, 2018 | From Future of Faith -
The Blue Boat Editorial Board is proud to announce the beginning of a new monthly series, Bart Reviews Books! In this series, Bart will review a series of new and older books related to youth and young adult ministry. Read the first installment today!
By Bart Frost | January 26, 2018 | From Stories and Voices -
As we approach the one year anniversary of the Women's Marches that erupted all over the world immediately following Trump's inauguration, we take a look at the Women's March in D.C. from the perspective of a Unitarian Universalist youth.
By Emma Prats | November 3, 2017 | From Stories and Voices -
I was reading an article the other day about a school that is like “Christian Hogwarts” and the church that runs it also has a program called Young Saints. I started thinking and wondering, if these young folks are “Young Saints”, then are Unitarian Universalist youth and young adults “Young Heretics”? Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?
By Bart Frost | October 16, 2017 | From Future of Faith -
“This is the church of the open mind. This is the church of the loving heart. This is the church of the helping hands, where friends come together.” As we finished our opening words, we joined our hands together. It was Sunday morning again, one of my favorite moments in a busy week. Here, I...
By Karishma Gottfried | October 2, 2017 | From Stories and Voices -
I left Unitarian Universalism when I was 18. Having gone through the survey of world religions that was the emphasis of my late 80’s RE experience, I identified more as a Buddhist than I did as UU. College brought a myriad of intellectual awakenings, but my soul lay dormant.
By Eric Bliss | September 18, 2017 | From Stories and VoicesTagged as: Spirituality, Unitarian Universalism, UU Identity, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, UU Theology -
Kaitlin Dey, Thrive Young Adult alumni 2016 and 2017, shared this reflection at her congregation last Sunday. I spent the last 10 days in New Orleans. I attended Thrive Young Adult....
By Elizabeth Nguyen | July 11, 2017 | From Future of FaithTagged as: Activism, Business Meetings, Commitment, Community, Connections, Creating a Home, Identity, Inclusion, Justice Sunday, Secular, Truth, Unitarian Universalism, UU Identity, Multiculturalism, Faith Development, General Assembly, News