Issues and Trends
LGBTQ+ people are under attack; we need to be prepared to fight for ourselves and each other. Together, we have what we need to survive. Here are some resources for community care and mutual aid.
Leader Resource | By Nico Van Ostrand, Ember Kelley , Mylo Way | November 21, 2024 | For Middle School, High School, Emerging Adults (18-24) | From RE-sourcesTagged as: Activism, Community, Discernment, Education, Faith, Growth, Homecoming / Ingathering, Leadership, Prayer Practices, Rights, Secular, Truth, Unitarian Universalism, Anti-Oppression, LGBTQ Issues, UU Identity, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Multiculturalism, Teaching Methods, News, Worship -
Context: The 2020 General Assembly Youth (GA Youth) and Young Adults at GA (YA@GA) volunteer staff publicly resigned from their positions via YouTube video on June 12. This is a response to the members of those teams from UUA Administration, from Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray and Carey McDonald....
June 18, 2020 | From General Assembly for Youth & Young AdultsTagged as: General Assembly, Leadership Development -
Back when zombies were new again and watching post-apocalyptic dramas seemed like entertaining escapism, I convinced my husband Mat that it would be fun to take a class through Salt Lake continuing education called “In Case of Zombies: Plans, Provisions and Preparedness for Darker Days.” Living...
By Jennica Davis-Hockett | March 25, 2020 | From Stories and Voices -
This post is best read listening to Sam Cooke's timeless anthem celebrating the arc of justice that leading to freedom and justice for us all: A Change Is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke.* So turn-up the volume on your stereo (or phone or computer) and listen along as we chat about some heroes of the...
By Bart Frost | May 17, 2019 | From Issues and Trends -
One of the most surprising places I learned about deeply spiritual community was my Grandma Bette’s bridge club. Those old ladies were really knew something about showing up and caring for each other.
By Jennica Davis-Hockett | May 22, 2018 | From Issues and Trends -
Our knowledge of history defines our understanding of the present. With these posts the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries lifts up our awareness of the history of people of marginalized identity so their actions can influence ours. Meet Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for President of the United States in the election of 1872.
By Ted Resnikoff | May 8, 2018 | From Stories and Voices -
We pray for our minds and hearts to be open to the messages of younger generations. We pray that we may find it within ourselves to offer practical, financial and emotional support to all youth who fight for their lives. We pray for physical safety which is never guaranteed, whether you exercise your voice because #EnoughIsEnough or because #BlackLivesMatter. We pray for your endurance, your resilience. We pray for the transformation of those in power and the transformation of the structures that keep them in power. We pray with you, for you, for ourselves and for the generations to come.
March 21, 2018 | From Social Justice -
Posted by Annie Gonzalez Milliken // August 18th 2017 Tomorrow some march against white supremacy. Like many folks, I have a lot of questions rattling around in my brain. I have petty selfish questions, logistical questions, and deep questions. I’m wondering “How much violence will there be?”...
August 17, 2017 | From Issues and Trends -
UU Campus Ministry Partners with Undocumented Student Center Submitted by the Rev. Beth Banks The Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis has a long-standing campus ministry, supported by a Senior Minister, a yearly intern and a Campus Committee from the congregation. Recently we’ve been asking...
By Annie Gonzalez Milliken | July 12, 2017 | From Issues and TrendsTagged as: Community, Growth, Identity, Immigration Reform, Secular, Unitarian Universalism, Unity, Campus Ministry, Multigenerational Faith Development, Multiculturalism, Young Adult Faith Development (ages 18-35) -
Kaitlin Dey, Thrive Young Adult alumni 2016 and 2017, shared this reflection at her congregation last Sunday. I spent the last 10 days in New Orleans. I attended Thrive Young Adult....
By Elizabeth Nguyen | July 11, 2017 | From Future of FaithTagged as: Activism, Business Meetings, Commitment, Community, Connections, Creating a Home, Identity, Inclusion, Justice Sunday, Secular, Truth, Unitarian Universalism, UU Identity, Multiculturalism, Faith Development, General Assembly, News