Future of Faith
LGBTQ+ people are under attack; we need to be prepared to fight for ourselves and each other. Together, we have what we need to survive. Here are some resources for community care and mutual aid.
Leader Resource | By Nico Van Ostrand, Ember Kelley , Mylo Way | November 21, 2024 | For Middle School, High School, Emerging Adults (18-24) | From RE-sourcesTagged as: Activism, Community, Discernment, Education, Faith, Growth, Homecoming / Ingathering, Leadership, Prayer Practices, Rights, Secular, Truth, Unitarian Universalism, Anti-Oppression, LGBTQ Issues, UU Identity, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Multiculturalism, Teaching Methods, News, Worship -
Creating a single place where you can count on being able to find other young UUs who are into the same stuff you are and who can introduce you to new ideas and radical possibilities. A small group of folks is working on creating such a hub of information and connection, currently called UUntitled.
September 3, 2020 | From Blue BoatTagged as: Campus Ministry, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Young Adult Faith Development (ages 18-35) -
Back when zombies were new again and watching post-apocalyptic dramas seemed like entertaining escapism, I convinced my husband Mat that it would be fun to take a class through Salt Lake continuing education called “In Case of Zombies: Plans, Provisions and Preparedness for Darker Days.” Living...
By Jennica Davis-Hockett | March 25, 2020 | From Stories and Voices -
In celebration of Human Rights Day on December the Unitarian Universalist Association International Office offers a resource for congregations to engage with questions about cross-cultural engagement and how identity plays into local organizing. The conversation includes stories from our work...
By Marisol Caballero | December 9, 2019 | From Future of Faith -
Bart Frost led the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries through almost five years of growth and change. In parting he gives us the gift of 5 crucial observations to keep youth and young adult ministry relevant and vital in the future of Unitarian Universalist faith.
By Bart Frost | July 24, 2019 | From Future of Faith -
The UUA Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries produces summer events where youth or emerging adults connect with UUs from all over the land. Each event has unique programming
By Ted Resnikoff | May 2, 2019 | From Future of Faith -
For many years, a cohort among us has called themselves “raised UUs”. It’s time to widen the circle.
By Bart Frost | April 18, 2019 | From Young Adults -
UU young adult Alex Jensen shares how the tradition of Lent is an opportunity to forge deeper faith, and stronger commitment to living the sources, values, and Principles of Unitarian Universalism everyday of the year.
By Alex Jensen | March 8, 2019 | From Future of Faith -
In this month’s episode, Bart acknowledges he can't finish a young adult ministry book right now. So instead of reviewing a book youth or young adult ministry book, he’s going to persuade you to read fiction, which could also be described as sci-fi/fantasy edition... intrigued yet?
By Bart Frost | November 28, 2018 | From Future of Faith -
Every year Summer Seminary students write a homily. Friday night they present them at a "Preach-Off", and select 4 or 5 for Sunday worship at their host congregation. These are the Summer Seminary student homilies from Sunday Worship at First Unitarian Church of Chicago on July 29, 2018.
By Ted Resnikoff | October 21, 2018 | From Future of Faith