Displaying 1 - 18 of 18

  • Aware of our interdependence, we acknowledge that eating ethically requires us to be mindful of the miracle of life we share with all beings....
    2011 | Statement of Conscience
    Tagged as: Agriculture in Environmental Justice, Climate & Environmental Justice, Economic Justice, Reproductive Health, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • Because: Unitarian Universalist Principles affirm the worth and dignity of every person, justice in human relations, and the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all; Whereas: Bombing Iran’s nuclear sites and military infrastructure would probably kill thousands, including...
    2008 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS our Unitarian Universalist Principles call us to affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person and to promote justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; WHEREAS HIV/AIDS is one of the most devastating crises in the history of public health, causing 25 million deaths and n...
    2003 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, Reproductive Health, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • 2002 | Action of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • BECAUSE children are the focus and common ground of our hopes for the future; and WHEREAS all pregnant women and all children need adequate nutrition for growth and physical and mental health; WHEREAS the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee is building an advocacy network for children at ris...
    1994 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Economic Justice, Reproductive Health, International Engagement & Building Peace, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, the cause of peace in the Middle East will be advanced only when all interested parties have the opportunity to participate in negotiations; WHEREAS, President Bush on June 20, 1990 suspended official dialogue between the United States government and the Palestine Liberation Organization...
    1990 | Resolution of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • Because the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association have affirmed in covenant to promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; Because we reject the fear and loathing of the human body and sexuality instilled...
    1989 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, Unitarian Universalist Association principles, especially those concerning (1) the inherent worth and dignity of every person; (2) justice, equity and compassion in human relationships; and (3) the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all (UUA Principles: Art. II,...
    1987 | Resolution of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • BECAUSE, we believe in a world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all, and because we respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part and because we recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and that each person as a birthright should have enough...
    1987 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, the complex issue of World Hunger requires our serious attention; BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1983 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association urges the Section on Social Responsibility, in cooperation with the UU-United Nations Office and the UU Service Committee, to give th...
    1983 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, in recognition that peaceful conflict resolution is essential to the continuation of Life on Planet Earth, and that such concepts and skills can be learned; and WHEREAS, the 1980 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association supported the concept of a National Academy of Pea...
    1983 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • The Board expresses its sorrow at the death of scores of United States Marines and French soldiers stationed in Lebanon to keep peace. We extend our sympathy to the loved ones of those killed and injured....
    1983 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • 1982 General Resolution WHEREAS, historic steps to end the warfare between Israel and Egypt were taken with the signing of the Camp David peace accords; and WHEREAS, the goal of United States policy, as it approaches the remaining central issues in the Middle East, should be to encourage, in the...
    1982 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • In view of the sensitivities involved in considering the moral dimensions of the Middle East crisis, the Board of Trustees reaffirms its opposition to anti-Semitism in all its forms and recognizes, along with much of the Jewish community, that criticism of the policies of the government of Israel...
    1982 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, the number of hungry and starving people on this fertile globe has reached a magnitude that staggers comprehension; and WHEREAS, international and national agencies, and numerous nongovernmental organizations have come to realize that world resources are not adequate to supply the basic...
    1980 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, half a billion of the world's four billion inhabitants suffer from malnutrition and another billion do not have a proper diet; and WHEREAS, the developing nations of the world have not been able to increase their food production to a point where they can keep up with their needs for food...
    1978 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, millions of people may die in the next few years because of inadequate world grain reserves; and drought and other causes have rendered grain production unstable, which drives prices up and forces poorer countries out of the world grain market; and WHEREAS, it has been demonstrated that...
    1977 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, the population of the world is now increasing at a faster rate than is food production, and birth control alone will not solve the problem of hunger in the immediate future; and WHEREAS, the prospects for substantial increases in food production in the areas of greatest need, most notabl...
    1966 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace