Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

  • BECAUSE Unitarian Universalists are guided by a vision of world community with peace and justice for all and are especially concerned with the survival and welfare of children worldwide; WHEREAS, the United States embargo on Nicaragua has resulted in shortages of food, medical supplies, and...
    1988 | Resolution of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict
  • Guided by our belief as Unitarian Universalists that human life has inherent dignity, which may be compromised when life is extended beyond the will or ability of a person to sustain that dignity; and believing that it is every person's inviolable right to determine in advance the course of actio...
    1988 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • Recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every human being, we as Unitarian Universalists hold that access to affordable, habitable housing is a fundamental right in a just society.
    1988 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Economic Justice, Socially Responsible Investing
  • WHEREAS, recognizing the possibility that our religious professionals and other participants face the loss of health insurance as provided through the UUA; and WHEREAS, recognizing that the UUA Board of Trustees, Administration, Council on Church Staff Finances, and the UUMA have previously and...
    1988 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, the 1988 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association has received public and private reports in increasing volume of serious discrimination against ethnic minorities in Romania, including members of Lutheran, Reformed, Roman Catholic, and Unitarian churches and other...
    1988 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice
  • Because Unitarian Universalists have historically affirmed the value of public education in a pluralistic society; and Because we believe that free inquiry strengthens minds in the individual search for knowledge; and WHEREAS, recent history shows a continuing series of attacks on access to...
    1988 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty