Expression of Concern for Church Staff Health Insurance Coverage 1988 General Resolution

WHEREAS, recognizing the possibility that our religious professionals and other participants face the loss of health insurance as provided through the UUA; and

WHEREAS, recognizing that the UUA Board of Trustees, Administration, Council on Church Staff Finances, and the UUMA have previously and consistently encouraged these religious professionals and other participants to continue within the existing program; and

WHEREAS, recognizing that upon loss of their insurance through the cessation of the existing program, certain participants will not be able to obtain health insurance;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1988 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association affirms the Association's moral commitment to those currently in the UUA Health Plan; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the 1988 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association urges the UUA Board of Trustees, the UUMA, and local congregations to place highest priority upon making certain that no one currently in the plan be without access to adequate health insurance.