UU Faith Lab
UU Faith Lab is a chance to explore spiritual leadership from wherever you are. Learn alongside UU spiritual teachers and change agents from all over. Experiment with mystery and wonder in your own context.
Faith Lab is for high school aged Unitarian Universalist youth who’ve completed grads 9-12 (or homeschool equivalent) who want to gain faithful leadership skills, confidence as co-creators of our faith and connections they can use in multigenerational spaces.
Inspired by the work of the UUA New England Region, Faith Lab is brought to you with love by Rev. Aisha, Cora, Jennica, Rev. Kimberly and Steven.
Workshops to Include
- Ritual creation to mark the passage of time and life's transitions
- Contributing to the archives of UU youth history
- How to build and sustain a covenant
- Incorporating cycles into your visioning
- Grieving and lamentation