Sample Agreement for Youth/Sponsors

Download this Sample Agreement (Word or PDF)

Examples of Important Items to Discuss Before GA

Youth, parent(s)/guardian(s) and sponsors should discuss these things and more before going to General Assembly:

We agree that before leaving for GA we will discuss our individual and mutual responsibilities, limits and expectations. Some examples of these may include:

  • What is the youth hoping for from participation in GA? What does the parent/guardian hope for?
  • What are the parent/guardian/sponsor’s/youth’s own expectations for youth behavior?
  • What does the parent/guardian expect from the sponsor? What does the youth expect?
  • How can the parent/guardian best be contacted? What are everyone’s expectations in terms of how often, or under what circumstances, parent(s)/guardian(s) are to be contacted?
  • How will youth and sponsors arrange meals? How much spending money should the youth bring?
  • How will any medications be monitored and or administered?
  • How will sponsors be aware of relevant medical conditions, allergies, or ability to treat youth with over-the-counter medications?
  • What are your agreements around safety? What is your plan in case of any emergency?
  • What are your agreements around self care, including sleeping, eating, etc.?
  • How will you take what you’ve learned back to your home congregation and/or district/region?

Examples of Agreements Youth and Their Sponsor May Wish to Make

In Terms of Spending Time Together at GA

We, the Youth and the Sponsor, agree to meet at least ___ times per day while at GA, at a time and place that works for both of us. Examples of good times/places to do so:

  • We will attend general session, a workshop or worship together.
  • We will share a meal.
  • We will check in at an agreed time/place.

In Terms of Communicating with Each Other During GA

We, the Youth and the Sponsor, agree that before leaving for GA we will create a system for communication with each other. Examples of good systems of communication include the following:

  • We will carry each other’s cell phone number and hotel room number at all times.
  • The convention center may have limited cell phone reception. We will have a back-up plan in case we can’t reach each other by phone.
  • We will designate a specific Meet Up Spot where we will generally meet up by default, rally as a group, go back to if we lose each other, etc.
  • We will share our expected schedules so we can find each other in an emergency.

In Terms of Individual Responsibilities at GA

We, the Youth and the Sponsor, agree to attend the mandatory Wednesday afternoon Orientation or the first available Orientation for arrival after Wednesday’s meeting..

  • Sponsor: I understand the Adult Sponsor Code of Ethics and I pledge to follow it. I also understand and agree to the expectation that adult sponsors will not drink alcohol or take inebriating or illegal drugs while at GA.
  • Youth: I agree to attend at least ___ events (workshops, Youth Caucus-sponsored events, General Sessions, and/or worship services) while at GA.
  • Youth: I agree to the rules as outlined in the “Participant Policy and Covenant,” and will obey all state and local laws, as well as the laws of the hotel or residence where we are staying. I will also abide by the policy on sexuality and community.
  • Youth: I agree to the curfews set by my sponsor. I understand that while at GA I am the responsibility of my sponsor. Please note the Kansas City curfew for unaccompanied youth:

The general curfew hour is set at 10pm for ages 15 and younger, and 11pm for ages 16 and 17. There is a special curfew of 9 pm for everyone under 18 in the “entertainment districts” (the Plaza, Westport, Downtown/Central Business District, 18th & Vine, and Zona Rosa). The entertainment districts are clearly delineated with barriers and security entrances.

  • Youth, Sponsor and Parent(s)/Guardian(s): We have made a plan to ensure that if the youth want to attend evening Youth Caucus or General Assembly programming which may run as late as 11:00PM, that the youth can get safely to housing in the company of the sponsor or another trusted adult (preferably in groups).
  • Youth, Sponsor and Parent(s)/Guardian(s): We understand that this agreement is created between us to ensure comfort and safety for youth, sponsors and parents/guardians. We further understand that if the youth violates any GA rules, parents/guardians will be notified and the youth will be sent home at the expense of the parent/guardian.

_____________________ ____________________ __________________
Youth Signature Parent Signature Sponsor Signature

Please Note

This is a *sample* agreement between youth, sponsors, and parents.

Look it over. Modify it. Make it your own. Create your own agreement between yourselves!

Agreements between youth, sponsors and parents/guardians should be built on mutual respect and understanding. Everyone benefits when youth, sponsors and parents/guardians all agree in advance about what they expect from each other.You may want to print your own modified version of this document and formally sign it in each other’s presence to help you remember the covenant you have made with each other.