For congregations who have partner churches in other parts of the world (such as Transylvania or India), this is an opportunity to focus on that relationship and on the other congregation. The liaisons to the partner church are often involved in planning and participating in the service.
The modern “Partner Church” movement celebrated its 20th anniversary in July 2010 during a special conference in Kolozsvar, Transylvania, hosted by the Transylvania Unitarian Church. This event recognized the uniquely transformative influence of close relationships between local Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations in North America and local UU congregations in other parts of the world. Partner churches create mutually supportive relationships with varying focuses agreed upon by the partners. The UU Partner Church Council—an independent organization—is the key organizer of the partner church movement for North American congregations and individuals.
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Our Time for All Ages this morning is a time of make-believe. I’d like you to put your imagination caps on so that we can pretend together. Raise your hand if you've ever been to a baseball game. How many of you follow a team you think of as “your” team? Well, I have bad news. (Here’s the...Time for All Ages | By Erika Hewitt | April 2, 2016 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), 5th Principle (Conscience & Democracy), Belief, Choice, Courage, Generations, History, International, Living Our Faith, Partner Church Observation, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Psychology, Secular
This Time for All Ages is greatly enhanced by visual elements. If you're able to create a slide show, it may be helpful to show the accompanying images, as well as diagrams of the geocentric and heliocentric models of the solar system. We humans have always looked up at the stars, wondered about...Time for All Ages | By Erika Hewitt | March 21, 2016 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Awe, Earth Day, History, Identity, International, Living Our Faith, Partner Church Observation, Religion, Science, Secular, Wonder
I am Unitarian, I live and work in this faith. Jesus is my guide And God is my help. We, humans, are all brothers/sisters, Our law is one: love. The goal of our work is shared, Happy are those of God's Kingdom...Meditation | By Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Christianity, Faith, God, Love, Partner Church Observation, Purpose, Service, Unitarianism, Unity
(Hungarian first—English follows) Hol hit—ott szeretet Where there is faith there is love Hol szeretet—ott béke Where there is love there is peace Hol béke—ott áldás Where there is peace there is blessing Hol áldás—ott Isten Where there is blessing there is God Hol Isten—ott...Meditation | By Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Christianity, Faith, God, History, Love, Partner Church Observation, Peace, Unitarianism
Today we have the opportunity to contribute to a special offering for the Unitarians in Eastern Europe [whose stories you have just learned]. One Transylvanian Unitarian minister, speaking about his congregation's recently revived connection between eastern Unitarians and western Unitarian...Offering | By Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Connections, History, Partner Church Observation, Relationships, Stewardship, Unitarianism
May we light this chalice to honor our past: for Jan Hus, burned at the stake for suggesting that the cup be shared by all; for our Service Committee's earliest days, when its logo enabled the persecuted to find a safe haven. May we light this chalice to endorse our present: for our commitment to...Chalice Lighting | By George G Brooks | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), 6th Principle (World Community), Commitment, Dignity, Freedom, Generations, History, Justice, Partner Church Observation, Relationships, Unitarian Universalism, Unitarianism, Vision
In English This is a prayer for all the travelers. For the ones who start out in beauty, who fall from grace, who step gingerly, looking for the way back. And for those who are born into the margins, who travel from one liminal space to another, crossing boundaries in search of center. This is a...Spanish | Meditation | By Angela Herrera | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Home, Journey, Multiculturalism, Partner Church Observation, Vision, Multiculturalism