Workshop 3: Roots and Wings Part of A Place of Wholeness In This Section Introduction From A Place of Wholeness Our religious education nurtures both roots and wings; the roots of community and shared values, and the wings of the free mind and creative spirit. — Rev. Pat Hoertdoerfer, "Education for Religion as Relationship" This workshop explores Unitarian Universalism as a living tradition with deep... Workshop-at-a-Glance From A Place of Wholeness Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 5 Activity 1: Story — Ancestral Tree 15 Activity 2: Understanding Our Roots 15 Activity 3: Ancestors All Around Us 20 Activity 4: We Can Believe Whatever We Want 20 Activity 5: I Believe, I Feel, I Act 5 Faith in Action: Roots and Wings Across... Spiritual Preparation From A Place of Wholeness Spend time reflecting on your relationship to your religious roots. Who are your ancestors? What religious or cultural traditions did they share with you? Are these traditions and beliefs still part of your life? One of the challenges of exploring roots and wings is holding a balance between the... Welcoming and Entering From A Place of Wholeness Materials for Activity Journals for new participants Newsprint Preparation for Activity Have journals for visitors or participants who do not have one. Set out supplies for them to personalize their journals during Welcoming and Entering. Write and post the Welcome Words and questions.... Opening From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Focus table and cloth Chalice, candle, and matches Five smooth stones about the size of a fist Handout 1, Responsive Reading - Five Smooth Stones, from Workshop 1 for all participants Preparation for Activity Set up the focus table with an attractiv... Activity 1: Story - Ancestral Tree From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Ancestral Tree" Preparation for Activity Read "Ancestral Tree" until you are comfortable presenting it. Description of Activity Read or tell the story.... Activity 2: Understanding Our Roots From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, Unitarian and Universalist Roots Leader Resource 2, Values Quotes and Actions Leader Resource 3, Values Quotes and Actions Background Newsprint, markers and tape Scissors, including left-handed scissors Preparation for Activity R... Activity 3: Ancestors All Around Us From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of Leader Resource 4, Reverend Joshua Mason Pawelek Sermon Optional: Video excerpt of"&…; Reverend Joshua Mason Pawelek's sermon "On Becoming Ancestors" (5 minutes, 11... Activity 4: We Can Believe Whatever We Want From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Write "Agree" on one sheet of newsprint and "Disagree" on another. Post them at opposite sides of the room. Make sure the space is clear at all points along the continuum. Description of Activity... Activity 5: I Believe, I Feel, I Act From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Participants' journals Pens or pencils Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Use markers to write I Believe (world view), I Feel (loyalty of my heart), and I Act (way of life) on newsprint. Write the reflection questions on newsprint. Closing From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Singing the Journey for all participants Copies of Taking It Home Optional: A piano or a recorded version of the song "We Are... " recorded by Sweet Honey in the Rock Preparation for Activity Prepare copies of Taking It Home. Optional:... Leader Reflection and Planning From A Place of Wholeness Talk with your co-leader about the workshop. What do you think went well? What might you have done differently? Did you learn anything about your working relationship or how you lead an activity that would be important to note for future workshops? Thinking about the content of the workshop, what... Faith In Action: Roots and Wings Across Generations From Tapestry of Faith Materials for Activity Handout 1, Roots and Wings Interview Questions Newsprint, markers and tape Paper and pens Optional: audio or video recorder Leader Resource 2, Values Quotes and Actions Preparation for Activity For the first option (One-on-One Interviews): Make copies of Handout 1, Roots an... Alternate Activity 1: Embodying Roots and Wings From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity Arrange the room so that there is open space for participants to move around freely. Description of Activity In this activity, participants use their bodies to reflect on and represent roots and wings.... Alternate Activity 2: Piecing Together History From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 5, Unitarian Universalist Women Ancestors Scissors, including left-handed scissors Preparation for Activity Make two copies of Leader Resource 5, Unitarian Universalist Women Ancestors - one to cut up for the activity, and one as a... Alternate Activity 3: Finishing the Tree From A Place of Wholeness Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint from Activity 2, Understanding Our Roots Art supplies Music and a music player Preparation for Activity If you did not do Activity 2, use the preparation steps to create a tree on newsprint. Optional: Arrange to play music as participants... Taking It Home: Roots and Wings From A Place of Wholeness Our religious education nurtures both roots and wings; the roots of community and shared values, and the wings of the free mind and creative spirit. — Rev. Pat Hoertdoerfer, "Education for Religion as Relationship" In Today's Workshop...... Ancestral Tree Greta Anderson From A Place of Wholeness Have you ever thought of our faith as an ancestral tree? It can be awe-inspiring to see the numerous roots and branches that make up our religious family. The "roots" of the tree are the values we hold dear, such as reason, tolerance, and freedom, hope, faith and love.... Handout 1: Roots and Wings Interview Questions From A Place of Wholeness Use these questions, along with the questions the group brainstorms, as a guide for interviewing an elder in your congregation. Remember that this is an exercise in listening. You may audio or video record the interview, or write notes on paper. 1. What is your name? Where do you live? 2. What is... Leader Resource 1: Unitarian and Universalist Roots From A Place of Wholeness These excerpts are background reading for the leader, but are not used directly in the workshop. Read this so you can bring this knowledge to the activity as needed.... Leader Resource 2: Values Quotes and Actions From A Place of Wholeness Quote 1 —The bond of fellowship in this Convention shall be a common purpose to do the will of God as Jesus revealed it and to co-operate in establishing the kingdom for which he lived and died. To that end, we avow our faith in God as Eternal and All-Conquering Love, in the spiritual leadership... Leader Resource 3: Values Quotes and Actions Background From A Place of Wholeness This resource includes background information on each of the quotes and actions used in Activity 2 and Alternate Activity 1. This will help you help participants make connections among the quotes, actions and value(s).... Leader Resource 4: Reverend Joshua Mason Pawelek Sermon Joshua Mason Pawelek, Unitarian Universalist Association From A Place of Wholeness Show the video clip or read the following sermon excerpt aloud. (This video and written sermon come from the closing worship of the 47th UUA General Assembly on June 24, 2007 in Portland, Oregon. This sermon excerpt is used with permission of Rev. Joshua Mason Pawelek [paw' lek] and the Unitarian... Leader Resource 5: Unitarian Universalist Women Ancestors From A Place of Wholeness Sophia Lyon Fahs (1876-1978) I was born in China to Presbyterian missionary parents, but my religious views changed as I became an adult, went to graduate school, and had children. In my career as an educator, I emphasized the importance of children's experience and developed a child-centered... Find Out More About Workshop 3 From A Place of Wholeness Websites Go to the General Assembly website to watch the video and read a summary of the worship service of which Rev. Joshua Mason Pawelek's sermon was a part. The Unitarian Universalist Historical Society promotes and preserves Unitarian Universalist heritage, and has many historical resources. PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: A Place of Wholeness NEXT: Introduction Download all of A Place of Wholeness (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.