Workshop 1: Decision Making Part of Virtue Ethics: An Ethical Development Program for High School Youth In This Section Introduction From Virtue Ethics Every intersection in the road of life is an opportunity to make a decision. — Duke Ellington This first workshop lays the foundation for the program by demonstrating how we make decisions and how ethical decision making can shape one's character for life. The workshop presents information on... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Virtue Ethics Activity Minutes Opening 25 Activity 1: Covenant 15 Activity 2: Story — The Debate Among Parts of the Brain 20 Activity 3: Practice 25 Faith in Action: Congregational Decisions Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Real Life Challenges Alternate Activity 2: Newsworthy? 30 Alternate Activity 3: The... Spiritual Preparation From Virtue Ethics Welcome to Virtue Ethics! Because it is important to start as you mean to continue, set aside time for your own spiritual preparation. Decide if you will prepare alone or with co-facilitators... or both. Find a comfortable location where you can spend several minutes undisturbed.... Opening From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity A basket, and a variety of snacks Newsprint, markers, and tape Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Preparation for Activity Gather snacks for a basket-enough for each participant to have a snack.... Activity 1: Covenant From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Ask your religious educator and/or youth advisor for a standard covenant youth groups use in your congregation. If one exists, ask if you may build on it with the youth in this group. If no... Activity 2: Story - The Debate Among the Parts of the Brain From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "The Debate Among the Parts of the Brain" Newsprint with chalice lighting words (Opening) Preparation for Activity Read the story so you can present it effectively. Make sure the chalice lighting words from the Opening are still posted. Activity 3: Practice From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Journals and writing instruments For anklets: String or hemp, beads, waterproof markers and/or other bead-decorating materials, scissors, and clipboards (one for each youth) Optional: Computer with Internet access and a large monitor or digital... Closing From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Adapt the Taking It Home section and copy for all participants. Optional: Print the closing quotation (below) for a volunteer to read. Description of... Leader Reflection and Planning From Virtue Ethics Reflect on the workshop with your co-leader. Did the group experience all the activities as you planned or should you make time adjustments for future workshops? Both group size and group dynamics will influence the pace. Was there a good amount of participation in discussions?... Faith In Action: Congregational Decisions From Virtue Ethics Materials for Activity Minutes from meetings of the congregation's governing board Index cards of two different colors Preparation for Activity Obtain the minutes from several meetings of the congregation's governing body. Highlight material pertaining to votes on actions the congregation will take. Alternate Activity 1: Real Life Challenges From Virtue Ethics Materials for Activity "Bicycle Rack" newsprint sheet (Opening) Preparation for Activity Post the Bicycle Rack newsprint sheet. Description of Activity Youth discuss ethical challenges they have faced.... Alternate Activity 2: Newsworthy? From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity News items from various sources including newspapers, magazines, and/or Internet Optional: Computer with Internet access Description of Activity Ask participants to form groups of two or three and search the news sources for stories that involve... Alternate Activity 3: The Charioteer From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Ethical Theories Chart Preparation for Activity Copy the handout for all participants. Read the Description of Activity and familiarize yourself with the spoken material so you can present it to the group in your own words.... Alternate Activity 4: The Brain, Making Decisions From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 20 minutes Preparation for Activity Prepare several scenarios that involve making a decision. Description of Activity Participants use knowledge of brain science to examine decision making. Invite participants to role play making decisions.... Taking It Home: Decision Making From Virtue Ethics Every intersection in the road of life is an opportunity to make a decision. — Duke Ellington IN TODAY'S WORKSHOP... we talked about decision making. We heard a story about how the brain makes decisions. Understanding decision making is important because our decisions help shape who we are. We... The Debate Among the Parts of the Brain From Virtue Ethics Based on Aesop's "The Belly and the Other Members of the Body."Once upon a time, the various parts of the brain got together to discuss their contributions to the uniqueness of the human being.... Handout 1: Ethical Theories Chart From Virtue Ethics Immanuel Kant (1724 -1804) was a German philosopher. Aristotle (384 BCE-322 BCE) was a Greek philosopher. Moral system Consequentialism: An action is right if it produces best consequence Deontology: An action is right if it follows a moral rule Virtue Ethics: An action is right if it is what a... Find Out More From Virtue Ethics Ethics Theory The adult Tapestry of Faith curriculum What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalists unpacks a variety of ethical frameworks in detail. You can read more about the theories presented in Alternate Activity 3 on the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.... PREVIOUS: Participant Feedback Form UP: Virtue Ethics NEXT: Introduction Download all of Virtue Ethics (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.