Workshop 6: Judaism 2: People of the Law Part of Building Bridges, Grades 8-9: A World Religions Program In This Section Introduction From Building Bridges In a free society, some are guilty. But all are responsible. — Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, 1944; 1964 Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they... Spiritual Preparation From Building Bridges Meditate on the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments as allegory. The fact that no witnesses were present when Moses received the stone tablets from God does not diminish the story's allegorical strength. What lessons do you draw from this story that are relevant to your daily life? Welcoming and Entering From Building Bridges Materials for Activity Handout 1, What Now? Pens or pencils Preparation for Activity Copy Handout 1 for all participants. Description of Activity Greet participants. Ask them to take a copy of Handout 1 and a pen/pencil and write responses to the challenging situations listed on the handout.... Opening From Building Bridges Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Leader Resource 1, Additional Judaism Background Preparation for Activity Read Leader Resource 1 so you will be comfortable presenting the information it... Activity 1: Story - Moses and the Ten Commandments From Building Bridges Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "Moses and the Ten Commandments" Handout 2, The Ten Commandments Pens or pencils Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Read the story "Moses and the Ten Commandments" so you will be comfortable presenting it.... Activity 2: God Speaks through Prophets From Building Bridges Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 2, Ten Hebrew Prophets Optional: Bibles (Hebrew scriptures) to share Preparation for Activity Plan a quiz game, along the lines of Jeopardy (TM) or a matching game the group can play in teams or all together. The goal is for... Activity 3: Passion for Justice From Building Bridges Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Leader Resource 3, The Judgment of Solomon Props such as a small bundle to represent a baby and a yardstick or broomstick to represent a sword Preparation for Activity On a sheet of newsprint, write "Justice" in large... Closing From Building Bridges Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Taking It Home handout Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Download, adapt, and copy Taking It Home for each participant. Optional: Write the closing words on... Leader Reflection and Planning From Building Bridges Review today's workshop with your co-leader. As a continuation of the group's exploration of Judaism, did the youth grasp the additional concepts introduced? Did they appreciate the strength of connection between Judaism and Unitarian Universalism? Many youth, experiencing the strong emotions of... Faith In Action: Every Bite You Take From Building Bridges Materials for Activity Handout 3, Laws of Kashrut Preparation for Activity Copy Handout 3 for all participants. Description of Activity Distribute Handout 3 and say, in your own words: Most people have heard the word "kosher." Colloquially, it can mean "okay" or "appropriate," as in, "No worries;... Alternate Activity 1: Unitarian Universalist Lectionary From Building Bridges Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of the Bible, preferably the New Revised Standard Version, and other sacred texts as available: Qu'ran, Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching, Dhammapada, Book of Mormon, etc Lectionaries: Jewish, Christian, Muslim Lined paper and pens or pencils... Alternate Activity 2: Meaning in Suffering From Building Bridges Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Handout 1, What Now? Pens/pencils Preparation for Activity If you have done the Welcoming and Entering activity, make sure participants have their copies of Handout 1 with their notes about how they would respond to... Alternate Activity 3: Passover Seder From Building Bridges Materials for Activity A Passover haggadah Optional: Music for the traditional song "Eliyahu Hanavi" (Elijah the Prophet) Preparation for Activity Arrange for youth to attend a Passover seder.... Taking It Home: Judaism 2: People of the Law From Building Bridges In a free society, some are guilty. But all are responsible. — Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, 1944; 1964 Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they... Moses and the Ten Commandments From Building Bridges From Hebrew scripture, the Book of Exodus.... Handout 1: What Now From Building Bridges Does your attitude about life, your base level of happiness and hope for the future, change when bad things happen to you? When bad things happen, do you tend to be: Happy and positive no matter what? Upset but generally trusting that good will come eventually? Recognizing things could be good... Handout 2: The Ten Commandments From Building Bridges Traditional adaptations from Hebrew scripture, Exodus 20:2-14. Jewish Ten Commandments 1. I am the Lord your G-d. 2. You shall have no other gods before me; You shall not make for yourself an idol. 3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your G-d. 4.... Handout 3: Laws of Kashrut From Building Bridges "Kashrut" means "fitness." Food that has been prepared according to the laws of kashrut is kosher—"fit"—for consumption by an observant Jew. Many Reform Jews do not keep kosher; Orthodox Jews eat only kosher food; Conservative Jews usually follow the laws of kashrut but less strictly than their... Leader Resource 1: Additional Judaism Background From Building Bridges In our previous workshop on Judaism, we learned that Judaism is monotheistic (believes there is one God), covenantal (based on a covenant of faith and practice between its believers and God), varied in its expressions, and geared to raise awareness and gratitude for every aspect of life. We also... Leader Resource 2: Ten Hebrew Prophets From Building Bridges Category: Daniel Was carried off to Babylon at a young age Served as a dream interpreter in the royal court of King Nebuchadnezzar; predicted Armageddon Interpreted the "handwriting on the wall" which foretold the destruction of King Belshazzar's kingdom: "God has numbered the days of your kingdo... Leader Resource 3: The Judgment of Solomon From Building Bridges Adapted from Hebrew scripture, 1 Kings 3:16-28. Narrator: Now the guard brought two women to King Solomon. They stood before him. Guard: These women bring a dispute before you, my Lord. First Woman: My Lord, this woman and I live in the same house. I had a baby while she was there with me.... Find Out More From Building Bridges Ten Commandments The website of the Biblical Heritage Center offers a comparison of …, Catholic, and Protestant versions of the Ten Commandments. Viktor Frankl On the Logothera… Institute website find information on logotherapy and its founder, Viktor Frankl (1905-1997), a Holocaust survivor and... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Building Bridges NEXT: Introduction Download all of Building Bridges (Word) to edit or print.