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Ten Commandments
The website of the Biblical Heritage Center offers a comparison of Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant versions of the Ten Commandments.
Viktor Frankl
On the Logotherapy Institute website find information on logotherapy and its founder, Viktor Frankl (1905-1997), a Holocaust survivor and author of Man's Search for Meaning.
The PBS website has a biography of Viktor Frankl and some writings.
Ritual Eating and Ethical Eating in Judaism
Read about varied and evolving perspectives on keeping kosher in Reform Judaism in a thoughtful, 2001 sermon by Rabbi Barry H. Block.
The online "Kosher Wizard: A Guide to Eating Jewishly" from the Chabad-Lubovitch organization is an excellent comprehensive resource for Jewish dietary law and keeping kosher.
An article on the website of the London-based organization, Liberal Judaism, describes the biblical basis and practical interpretation of the laws of kashrut. The article explains where laws of kashrut and principles of ethical eating do, and do not, intersect.
The Union for Reform Judaism and Hazon, a Jewish environmental organization, jointly created the curriculum Food for Thought. Appropriate for grade-school through adult learners, its chapters include "Gratitude, Mindfulness and Blessing Our Food;" "Food and Ethics: The Implications of Our Food Choices;" and "Today's Golden Calf: How Much Red Meat Is Enough?"
An article by Aaron Gross in Tikkun Magazine, "When Kosher Isn't Kosher," is posted on the website of Jewish Vegetarians of North America. The book, Eating Animals, by Jewish American writer Jonathan Safran Foer (Everything Is Illuminated), brings a moral perspective to ecological and humane concerns related to meat-eating.
The Chabad-Lubavitch movement of Judaism provides a comprehensive Passover resource guide.