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Jewish Teachings and Practice
The Judaism 101 website offers basic, wide-ranging information on modern Judaism.
My Jewish Learning is a comprehensive website with information on Jewish holidays, life, beliefs, global demographics, and more. Though centered on European Jewry's history and contemporary practices, the website also addresses a range of cultural communities and diverse practices within Judaism.
On the Ask Moses website, you can type questions and receive answers from a rabbi or another person learned in Judaism. Research kashrut (keeping Kosher) and other topics.
The Absolute Astronomy website offers a variety of encyclopedia-style articles about facets of Judaism, including "Atheist Jew" and "Humanistic Judaism."
History of Judaism
A PBS Nova program, "The Bible's Buried Secrets," can be viewed online and is available on DVD. The program is supported with material on the PBS website, including "Archeology of the Hebrew Bible," an article by William Dever, professor emeritus at the University of Arizona, and "Writers of the Bible," an interview with Michael Coogan, professor of religious studies at Stonehill College.
A website published by the Christian Resource Institute offers "The Date of the Exodus," Dennis Bratcher's compilation of a variety of kinds of evidence suggesting a date for the Jewish Exodus from Egypt.
The Eighth Day: The Hidden History of the Jewish Contribution to Civilization by Samuel Karlinsky (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1994) is an excellent scholarly book on Jewish contributions to humankind.
Torah, Commentary, and Interpretation
The Internet Sacred Text Archive website offers the Jewish Publication Society's 1917 translation of the Tanach—the Five Books of Moses plus the Books of Joshua, Judges, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, and II Kings.
A searchable, comprehensive Complete Torah is published by Mechon Mamre ("the Mamre Institute"), an Israeli group of observant Jewish Torah scholars.
An article on The Religion of Islam website explores how both Torah and Talmud function as authorities for observant Jewish practice.
Israel, Today
The website of the Central Intelligence Agency offers a factual brief about modern Israel including history and demographics.
The Jewish Virtual Library published by the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise offers information about Israel including its links with U.S. organizations and enterprises, its position in international politics, and a "virtual tour" of the land.
Unitarian Universalism and Judaism
Unitarian Universalists for Jewish Awareness convened in February, 2011, hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, a congregation that has a group for Jewish awareness and celebrations, L'Chaim.