Faith In Action: Congregational Support
Part of Windows and Mirrors, Grades 4-5
Materials for Activity
- Congregation newsletter or access to congregation website
- Local newspaper
Preparation for Activity
- Meet with the minister or committee chairs of social action projects. Find out how your congregation has stood by groups or issues that have been difficult for the congregation. Arrange for one or more adult volunteers to visit the group and talk about times when they had to convince members of the congregation to take a stand on an issue not universally popular in the community.
- Gather local newspapers and congregational newsletters (or, find out the URLs for relevant online news sources, including your congregational website, and arrange to have a computer with Internet access when the group meets).
Description of Activity
Gather the group to hear adult visitor's stories.
Then, invite the children to look through the local paper and the congregation newsletter. Have the group decide if there is an issue that the congregation can take a stand on in solidarity with a group.
Or, ask your minister if a member of the congregation or a group within the congregation needs some kind of support the children could provide. Invite your minister and the congregant(s) to present their goal and their need to the children. Together, consider a plan of action: How do we show our support to this cause or to this person? Could we ask members of the congregation to sign a petition? Could the congregation put a sign on our building in support of this cause? Ask the congregant(s) whether they want this support. Then, follow through on the plan.
Once this Faith in Action is complete, it will be important to process the outcome with the participants. You might ask some of the following questions:
- How did the support offered affect the congregation?
- Do you think members were appreciative?
- Would you consider supporting another congregational issue?
- What do you think was helpful and what do you think could have been more helpful next time?
- What did you learn about yourselves during this? What was easy and what was hard about giving support?