Session 15: Atonement (Level) Part of Toolbox of Faith, Grades 4-5 In This Section Introduction From Toolbox of Faith The beginning of atonement is the sense of its necessity. — Lord Byron The level, a carpenter's tool, symbolizes the balance we need to restore when we make a mistake. The session focuses on the meaning of "at-one-ment." Participants will explore the difficulty in acknowledging mistakes and the... Session-at-a-Glance From Toolbox of Faith ACTIVITY MINUTES Welcoming and Entering Opening 10 Activity 1: Story — W.H.G. Carter and a Step Toward Racial Reconciliation 10 Activity 2: Games 10 Activity 3: Pretzel Prayer Bread 10 Activity 4: "I'm Sorry" Cards 10 Activity 5: Council Circle 10 Faith in Action: Ideas... Spiritual Preparation From Toolbox of Faith Take a moment and let your body and mind settle. If you are comfortable doing so, spend a few moments in peaceful meditation.... Welcoming and Entering From Toolbox of Faith Materials for Activity Tool of the Day - a level, or several levels Two sheets of paper, and pencils for all participants Preparation for Activity On one sheet of paper, write "atonement" and a definition ("something that makes up for an offense or injury"). On the other sheet, write... Opening From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle Lighter and extinguisher, if needed Newsprint, markers, and tape Tool of the Day - a level, or several levels Two sheets of paper and pencils (see Welcoming and Entering) Toolbox of Our Faith poster and... Activity 1: Story - W.H.G. Carter and a Step Toward Racial Reconciliation From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, "W.H.G. Carter and a Step Toward Racial Reconciliation" Preparation for Activity Read the story and prepare to tell or read it to the group. Description of Activity Participants will hear a true story illustrating how some... Activity 2: Games From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity Review the games, Human Knot and "Who Started It?" Decide how to allocate your time and, if needed, how you will form small groups. Description of Activity Try these games to illustrate concepts related to atonement.... Activity 3: Pretzel Prayer Bread From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Frozen bread dough or frozen dinner rolls for all participants Cloths to cover dough Flour (for hands), coarse salt, and butter or shortening Cookie sheets Preparation for Activity Make sure the congregational facility has an oven you can use.... Activity 4: "I'm Sorry" Cards From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity 8.5 x 11-inch paper and 6 x 8-inch envelopes for all participants Markers, decorations (such as toothpicks, ribbon, colored paper, rubber stamps, stickers, glitter, or yarn), and glue sticks Optional: A sample card that says, "I'm sorry" Preparatio... Activity 5: Council Circle From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Tool of the Day - a level Chalice and candle Safety matches and long fireplace matches Small dish for spent matches Candle snuffer Council candles (a tea light or votive candle for each participant, or some to share if group is very large) One tea... Closing From Toolbox of Faith Preparation for Activity Extinguish the council candles. Gather participants around the chalice; if it has been extinguished, relight it. Share with the group this excerpt from a sermon, “AT-ONE-MENT,” by Rev. Nathan C. Walker: To be at-one is to witness how we fall down so that we may help... Faith In Action: Ideas From Toolbox of Faith Description of Activity Look for a project involving individual and/or community reconciliation. A prayer can provide a context and structure to help people confront situations in their lives that call for atonement.... Taking It Home: Atonement (Level) From Toolbox of Faith ... WHG Carter and a Step Towards Reconciliation David Whitford From Toolbox of Faith Adapted from "A Step Toward Racial Reconciliation", UU World, May/June 2002, permission pending. ... Find Out More From Toolbox of Faith The story, "Rev. W.H.G. Carter and a Step Toward Racial Reconciliation" comes from an article by David Whitford in the May/June, 2002 edition of UU World online. In 1995, the first post-apartheid South African government instituted a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. A... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Toolbox of Faith NEXT: Introduction Download all of Toolbox of Faith (Word) to edit or print.