Activity 4: Story - We Are All One
Part of Moral Tales, Grades 2-3
Activity time: 10 minutes
Materials for Activity
- A copy of the story, "We Are All One"
- A chime, a rain stick, or another calming sound instrument
Preparation for Activity
- Read through the story a few times. If at all possible, consider telling the story rather than reading it. Practice telling it aloud. Try changing your voice when you are speaking as the ant or the centipede.
Description of Activity
Before you begin telling the story, "We Are All One," look around the room and make eye contact with each person.
Use the sound instrument to signify that the story has ended.
Including All Participants
There are children for whom it is very difficult to sit still, even when they are paying attention to what is happening around them. This can be frustrating for teachers, as well as for the children who find themselves in situations where they are expected to maintain stillness for prolonged periods of time. If there are children in the group for whom this is the case, consider adopting the use of "fidget objects" as described in the Leader Resources section. Fidget objects can provide a non-disruptive outlet for a child's need to move.