Handout 1: What Do You Think?
Part of Riddle and Mystery, 6th Grade
Do you believe God exists? Yes _____ No_____
If your answer is yes, can you describe the God you believe in?
If you answer is no, can you describe the God you do not believe
in? Yes _____No_____
Do you believe in any of the following?
There is some sort of power that is higher and stronger than
people. Yes_____ No _____
There is a spirit of love that you cannot see but that pulls people together. Yes _____ No _____
A Great Mystery holds all the secrets of the world. It is fun to
explore but people can never really understand it. Yes _____ No _____
No power greater than people decides what the future will be. Yes _____ No _____
Do any of these labels fit you?
Humanist — We need to think mostly about people who live on
earth, not whatever lives in heaven. Yes _____ No _____
Pagan — The earth, its seasons, and nature are the center of your
religion. Yes _____ No _____
Mystic — The truth of the universe is hidden in mystery. Yes _____
No _____
Do you . . .
Rely mostly on reason to solve your problems? Yes _____ No ____
Sometimes pray with words for help to solve your problems?
Yes _____ No _____
Meditate to find peace and joy in spite of your problems? Yes _____ No _____
Do you offer thanks at Thanksgiving? Yes _____ No_____
Do you know where you are sending your thanks? Yes _____ No_____
Do any of these describe you?
Theist (You believe in God.) Yes _____ No _____
Atheist (You believe there is no God.) Yes _____ No _____
Agnostic (You do not know if there is a God.) Yes _____ No _____
Now think about all you have said, and answer again:
Do you believe God exists? Yes _____ No _____