Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Riddle and Mystery: A Program on the Big Questions for Grade 6


Activity time: 3 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Chalice or LED/battery-operated candle
  • Newsprint, markers and tape
  • Bell, tingsha chimes or other sound instrument
  • Taking It Home handout

Preparation for Activity

  • Adapt the Taking It Home section and copy it for all participants.
  • Write the closing words on newsprint, and post.

Description of Activity

Briefly summarize the day's session with words like these:

Today's Big Question asks "What is truth?" which we explored in several ways. We began by looking at the truth of wisdom tales. Our story was about Mahatma Gandhi and truth. In WCUU we heard Unitarian Universalist ideas about truth, and in WIT Time we talked about not spreading gossip as a way to dedicate ourselves to Truth.

Distribute the Taking It Home handout. Invite participants to use the activities to continue exploring the themes of today's session.

Relight the chalice. Ask the group to say these closing words with you:

May this light shine on in each of us as we search for the answers to our own biggest questions.

Extinguish the chalice (or ask the Kid for the Day to do it). Sound the bell or tingshas to end the session.