Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Surrounds Us: A Program on the UU Principles and Beloved Community for Grades K-1

Activity 1: Who Lives with Me?

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • 11x17-inch drawing paper
  • Crayons and/or color markers

Preparation for Activity

  • Set paper and crayons/markers at work tables.

Description of Activity

Participants identify who lives with them.

Gather participants around tables with paper in front of them and coloring implements to share. Say these or similar words:

Today we are going to talk about who lives with you. Let's pretend the four sides of the paper are like the walls of where you live. It may be an apartment, a room, a duplex, a condo, or a house. Everyone's home is different.

Close your eyes and think of the people who live in your house. (Pause.) Now open your eyes and draw a picture of all the people that live in your house. When you are finished, we will share our pictures.

When all have finished, process with these questions:

  • Who would like to share their picture first?
  • Can you tell us the names of the people who live with you?
  • Do any of your family members live in another place?

Make sure all participants who wish to share have a chance.

Including All Participants

Be alert for clues that a family is separated, such as by divorce or travel. Be open to the child's responses and look for ways to acknowledge the uniqueness of their family. Emphasize that a house can hold a family but that many families are still a family when some of their members live in another place.