Session 4: Forgiveness Part of Love Surrounds Us, Grades K-1 In This Section Introduction to Session 4, Forgiveness From Love Surrounds Us We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This session introduces the second Principle, all people should... Session-at-a-Glance From Love Surrounds Us Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 10 Activity 1: Connections Sewing Cards 20 Activity 2: Story — A Journey of Forgiveness: Joseph and His Brothers 15 Activity 3: Forgiveness Fun Game 10 Faith in Action: Forgiveness Project Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Heart Ribbon Magnet 5... Spiritual Preparation From Love Surrounds Us Forgiveness can be such a painful emotion for adults. Name the members of your family. Think of a time you needed to forgive. Think about the people and situation. Why did you feel the need to forgive? Are their times you need to ask for forgiveness?... Welcoming and Entering From Love Surrounds Us Materials for Activity Ribbon sticks (or wrist ribbons) in a container (Session 1, Opening) Preparation for Activity If you have not previously made ribbons sticks or wrist ribbons for each child do it now as per instructions in Session 1, Opening. Place container of ribbon sticks by the door. Opening for Session 4, Forgiveness From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Ribbon sticks (or wrist ribbons) in a container (Session 1, Opening) Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Session 1, Leader Resource 1, Rote Teaching - Love Surrounds Us Song Orange cloth for centering table Preparation for... Activity 1: Connections Sewing Cards From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Connections Sewing Cards Card stock A deep one-hole punch or sharp, pointed scissors Yarn and scissors, or pipe cleaners and clear tape Markers or crayons Plastic sewing needles for canvas-weight/card stock Preparation for Activity Obtai... Activity 2: Story, Journey of Forgiveness, Joseph and His Brothers From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Journey of Forgiveness, Joseph and His Brothers" 12 drinking straws or unsharpened pencils 12 small index cards Permanent marker, and tape Optional: "Journey of Forgiveness, Joseph and His Brothers" coloring sheet Preparation f... Activity 3: Forgiveness Fun Game From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity Clear an open space.... Closing From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 5 minutes Description of Activity Invite everyone to gather in a circle and hold hands.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Love Surrounds Us What did you learn about the participants' willingness, or not, to forgive others in their lives? Can you identify those that are hurting or feeling different? Take note of what worked well and what can be done differently next time. Notify the religious educator or minister about any issues that... Faith In Action: Forgiveness Project From Love Surrounds Us Materials for Activity Computer with Internet access Leader Resource 1, Giving Box Pattern Markers, crayons, stickers, scissors and clear tape Preparation for Activity Watch the video by Desmond Tutu. Set up equipment so you can show the video to the group.... Alternate Activity 1: Heart Ribbon Magnet From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Felt hearts mounted on felt squares and magnets, assembled in Session 2, Alternate Activity 1 A roll of 1/8-inch orange ribbon Extra felt and magnets for new participants, plus glue, sharp scissors, and permanent marker Preparation for Activity Set ... Taking It Home: Forgiveness From Love Surrounds Us We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. (One) who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. IN TODAY'S SESSION... the children talked about forgiveness. A Journey of Forgiveness, Joseph and His Brothers Janeen K Grohsmeyer From Love Surrounds Us Have you ever felt as if some grown-ups liked another kid more than they liked you? Maybe your teacher lets someone else get away with stuff you would get in trouble for. Maybe your mom or dad doesn't make your brother or sister do as much work as you have to do.... Handout 1: Connections Sewing Cards From Love Surrounds Us We Are Surrounded by Love Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 1: Giving Box Pattern From Love Surrounds Us Cut on bold lines. Fold flaps on dotted lines. Tape all edges to form a box. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Find Out More From Love Surrounds Us UU Principles for Children — from the UUA Bookstore Order Children's Principles and Purposes: Big Bookmark and the book Our Seven Principles in Story and Verse: A Collection for Children and Adults by Kenneth W. Collier.... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Love Surrounds Us NEXT: Introduction to Session 4, Forgiveness Download all of Love Surrounds Us (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.