Faith In Action: Forgiveness Project
Part of Love Surrounds Us, Grades K-1
Materials for Activity
- Computer with Internet access
- Leader Resource 1, Giving Box Pattern
- Markers, crayons, stickers, scissors and clear tape
Preparation for Activity
- Watch the video by Desmond Tutu. Set up equipment so you can show the video to the group. You may wish to show it twice, once at the beginning and once after processing.
- Prepare a note to parents. Copy it to send home with the children's completed Giving Boxes. The Description of Activity provides a sample note.
- Copy the Giving Box pattern on card stock for all participants. Cut them out for younger participants.
- Make several pages of labels that say: The Forgiveness Project, Helping people choose forgiveness
Description of Activity
This activity introduces the Forgiveness Project and helps them to collect money to send to the project.
Watch the two-minute video together called "Archbishop Desmond Tutu endorses the Forgiveness Project." Use these questions to process:
- Desmond Tutu is the speaker on the video. Does anyone know about Desmond Tutu? (A black South African who fights for human rights. Tutu is a bishop in the Anglican Church. He is someone who fights for equal care and kindness to everyone, including the people who are poor, have an illness, or sometimes get hated and excluded. Desmond Tutu earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.)
- Who can tell me something you learned about the Forgiveness project?
- Why did Desmond Tutu say that forgiveness takes courage?
- What does it mean to choose to forgive?
Play the video one more time after the discussion.
Give older participants a Giving Box Pattern. Allow younger participants to make boxes you have precut. Ask children to use coloring materials and stickers to decorate the box. Cut the slot for the coin drop. Tape the box together tightly. Put pre-printed mailing labels on the boxes.
Pass out parent notes that read.
Dear Parents,
We are learning about Desmond Tutu and the Forgiveness Project. This project helps victims and perpetrators have the courage to choose forgiveness. Stories are shared of those who choose forgiveness. An exhibit is being made to tell the stories of forgiveness. Please help me earn a few coins this week through extra chores or collecting cans for recycling. The money goes in my giving box to share with the Forgiveness Project.
(Co-leaders' names)
Including All Participants
For a young group or for children with fine-motor challenges, you can pre-assemble the Giving Boxes for children to decorate with stickers and the mailing labels.