Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Will Guide Us: A Program for Grades 2-3 that Applies the Wisdom of the Six Sources to the Big Questions

Activity 2: Story - Love Is the Golden Rule

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • A copy of the story “Love Is the Golden Rule
  • A large basket
  • Objects related to the story such as a Bible bookmarked at the Ten Commandments, a copy of your group behavior covenant, a copy of membership requirements for your congregation, a copy of your congregation’s by-laws, or any picture book or document that lists rules or laws
  • A rain stick, or another instrument with a calming sound
  • Optional: Box or small table and a decorative cloth cover
  • Optional: Fidget basket (see Session 1, Leader Resource 4)

Preparation for Activity

  • Place the story-related items and the chime, rain stick, or other sound instrument in the story basket. Place the filled basket in the storytelling area you have designated.
  • Read the story a few times. Note: The story provides Leader instructions to stop the story periodically to ask the children what sorts of ways someone would act if they followed a particular rule. As the rules are very similar, the children are likely to give similar answers. Help them notice the similarities. You can also point out any differences based on the different nuances in the rules.
  • Optional: To provide a focal point where story-related items can sit while you tell the story, set up a box or table next to your storytelling area and drape it with a decorative cloth.
  • Optional: If you have a basket of fidget objects for children who will listen and learn more effectively with something in their hands, make the basket available during this activity. Remind children where it is before you begin the "centering" part of this activity. See Session 1, Leader Resource 4, Fidget Objects for a full description of fidget baskets and guidance for using them.

Description of Activity

Gather the children in a circle in the storytelling area and show them the story basket. Say something like, "Let's see what's in our story basket this week."

Tell the group the items in the story basket will be placed on this table after the children have passed them around the circle. Take the story-related items from the basket, one at a time, and pass them around. Objects that are fragile, or which should not be passed around for any reason, can be held up for all to see and then placed directly on the table.

Name each object and ask a wondering question about each one, e.g., "What rules do you see written down?" As items come back to you, display them on the table. Then say, in your own words:

Today we are exploring the wisdom in religions of the world. This is the third UU Source. Unitarian Universalists believe all faiths and beliefs have something important to share. Today we will hear a story from Buddhism, a very old religion, over 2,500 years old.

Remove the sound instrument from the story basket. Tell the children that every time you tell a story, you will first use the instrument to help them get their ears, their minds, and their bodies ready to listen. Invite them to sit comfortably and close their eyes (if they are comfortable doing so). You may tell them that closing their eyes can help them focus just on listening. If someone is unable to close their eyes or sit still, invite them to hold one of the story basket items or an item from the fidget basket. In a calm voice, say:

As you breathe in, feel your body opening up with air. As you breathe out, feel yourself relaxing.

Repeat this once or twice and then say:

When I hit the chime (turn the rain stick over), listen as carefully as you can. See how long you can hear its sound. When you can no longer hear it, open your eyes and you will know it is time for the story to begin.

Sound the chime or other instrument. When the sound has gone, begin telling the story "Love Is the Golden Rule." Read or tell the story. Use the chime again to indicate that the story is over.

Then, ask:

  • I wonder why Maya only wanted one rule?
  • I wonder if you agree that Love is the golden rule?
  • I wonder what our world would be like if everyone followed love as the golden rule?

Including All Participants

Make sure everyone has an opportunity to experience the items in the story basket, whether by sight or touch.

You may wish to make fidget objects available to children who find it difficult to sit still while listening to a story or can focus better with sensory stimulation. Remind children where the fidget basket is before you begin the "centering" part of this activity. (For a full description and guidance, see Session 1, Leader Resource 4.)

Consider using rug squares in the storytelling area. Place them in a semi-circle with the rule "one person per square." This can be very helpful for controlling active bodies.