Alternate Activity 1: Making Peace Signs
Part of Love Connects Us
Activity time: 10 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Fine-point washable markers
- Construction paper in a variety of colors
Preparation for Activity
- Set out markers and paper on work tables.
- Plan how you will form pairs. Be ready to make a triad if needed.
- Decide where you want the children's peace messages displayed, and seek permission if needed.
Description of Activity
Invite all participants to think about how they could create a message of peace using symbols, simple drawings, or a few words. Then invite them to work in pairs to make symbols or messages of peace to display in the congregation.
If you feel comfortable providing this option, invite children to draw simple messages of peace with washable marker on one another's skin. The back of the hand and the inside of the forearm are good places. Keep in mind that some children, and some parents, may object for a variety of reasons, including potential allergies. Also, consider the likelihood of children this age drawing on more surfaces than you asked them to, once this option is opened.