Faith In Action: Hold Benefit for Free the Children
Part of Love Connects Us, Grades 4-5
Description of Activity
Fundraising with a talent show or benefit concert can give children a fun and empowering way to join the tens of thousands of children and adults worldwide supporting Free the Children. You may wish to make and sell baked goods, a soup lunch, or other snacks as part of your fundraiser. Invite children of other ages from your religious education program, and even adults, to share a special talent: singing, instrumental music, gymnastics, martial arts, dance, sleight of hand, or whatever others gifts people have to share. Or, borrow a karaoke machine and have a karaoke competition-UU Idol. As part of your show, make sure children explain what Free the Children is and does, and why they are asking for help in supporting it.
Including All Participants
Children who do not wish to be on stage can help make posters for publicity, make and photocopy an event program, prepare and/or sell snacks, or collect money.