Activity 4: Story - A Tour of the Heavens - Clyde Tombaugh Discovers Pluto
Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3
Activity time: 10 minutes
Materials for Activity
- A copy of the story "A Tour of the Heavens - Clyde Tombaugh Discovers Pluto"
- A chime, rain stick or other calming sound instrument
- Optional: Fidget object basket (Session 2, Leader Resource 2)
Preparation for Activity
- Read the story a few times. Think about how you might use items from the story basket as props.
- Consider telling the story rather than reading it. Practice telling it aloud.
Description of Activity
Clyde Tombaugh exemplifies our fourth Unitarian Universalist Principle, a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
Before you begin the story, look around the room and make eye contact with each person. Read or tell the story.
Sound the instrument to indicate that the story is over. Then, guide a brief discussion using these questions:
- I wonder, what are you really curious about or what do you love to learn about?
- When you want to know more about something, what do you do?
- Have you ever really believed one thing, and then learned it was not true? (Invite volunteers, one at a time, to share: What was that like? Was it easy or hard to get used to your new belief? Do you think your belief could change again?)
Including All Participants
Children in this age group may hold a wide range of beliefs in God, Santa Claus, tooth fairies, and Easter bunnies. Be careful to validate all children's beliefs. Affirm children's truth-seeking impulses and actions, but do not allow argument or debate about what is "true."