Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Faithful Journeys: A Program about Pilgrimages of Faith in Action for Grades 2-3

Activity 5: Worlds in Comparison

Activity time: 20 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • A copy of Leader Resource 3, Worlds in Comparison
  • For each group of two to four participants
    • Handout 1, Instructions, and Handout 2, Planet Name Worksheet
    • 3 lbs. of modeling dough, a bread board or a sheet of waxed or parchment paper, and a plastic knife

Preparation for Activity

  • Obtain modeling dough from an arts and crafts store or an online vendor such as Dick Blick Art Materials, which sells 3-lb. tubs for about eight dollars. Or, make your own (Leader Resource 4, Modeling Dough Recipe).
  • Set materials on work tables as instructed in Leader Resource 3.
  • It is recommended that you try this activity once yourself before leading it.

Description of Activity

This activity allows participants to develop an understanding of the relative sizes (volumes) of the planets in our solar system. Form small groups of two to four at work tables. Say:

Your group will start with a big ball of modeling dough. You will divide it up, following the steps on the instruction sheet. When you are done, you will see how the planets in our solar system vary in size. By the time you get to tiny Pluto, you may be quite amazed.

Guide the children in following the steps on the handouts to divide the dough and create their planets.

Including All Participants

Check with your director of religious education and/or parents about participants' allergies. If there are allergies, purchase a non-food-based modeling dough.