Alternate Activity 1: Conversation with a Minister
Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3
Activity time: 20 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers and tape
Preparation for Activity
- Invite your congregation's parish minister, minister of religious education, or minister of music to meet with the group. Make the request well in advance. You may wish to schedule this activity directly following worship if the minister leads worship during your religious education time.
Description of Activity
Engage children's curiosity about the work and faith journey of your congregation's own ordained clergy.
"Free and responsible search for truth and meaning" is an ongoing aspect of Unitarian Universalist ministry. Invite your guest to tell how they seek truth and meaning in the context of their faith lives and how they support others to find their own truths.
Before the minister arrives, brainstorm questions children would like to ask. Record their questions on newsprint. When the minister comes, call on children to ask these or additional questions.
Invite the minister to ask the children about their individual searching for truth and meaning. Explicitly ask children how their attendance at your faith home supports their search. Listen to children's comments; some may belong as Faithful Footprints on the Faithful Journeys Path.
Including All Participants
Children who have difficulty sitting still to listen may benefit from having access to fidget objects (Session 2, Leader Resource 2).