Session 8: Seek Truth Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3 In This Section Introduction From Faithful Journeys Friend, I have lost the way. The way leads on. Is there another way? The way is one ... . I cannot find the way. The way leads on. Oh, places I have passed! That journey's done. And what will come at last? The way leads on. — excerpted from "The Way" by Edwin Muir, in Singing the Living Tradition... Session-at-a-Glance From Faithful Journeys Activity Minutes Opening 3 Activity 1: Faithful Footprints 5 Activity 2: Move It! Scarf Search 8 Activity 3: Story Basket and Centering 5 Activity 4: Story — Finding Your Way: Egbert Ethelred Brown 13 Activity 5: Truth and Meaning Treasure Hunt 19 Faith in Action: Promotional Poster 20 Closing 7... Spiritual Preparation From Faithful Journeys If it would be helpful in creating sacred space, light a candle or chalice. Look for your own experience of our fourth Principle in your relationship with Unitarian Universalism. How did you first encounter our faith? Did you discard earlier beliefs as you embraced Unitarian Universalism? Was... Opening From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle Lighter and extinguisher, if needed Newsprint, markers and tape Posters of the Unitarian Universalist Principles in both adult and children's language, or copies of Session 1, Handout 1 for all participa... Activity 1: Faithful Footprints From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Faithful Journeys Path (Session 1, Leader Resource 2) Cutouts of footprints and (optional) wheelchair tracks, at least one for each participant, in a variety of colors (Session 1, Leader Resources 3 and 4) Markers Push pins, glue stick or tape... Activity 2: Move It! Scarf Search From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 8 minutes Materials for Activity Two scarves, one to cover a volunteer's eyes and one for the volunteer to find Preparation for Activity Identify a clean, open floor space (preferably carpeted). Description of Activity Have the children sit in a tight circle.... Activity 3: Story Basket and Centering From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity A large basket Objects related to the story "Finding Your Way: Ethelred Brown," such as a picture of Egbert Ethelred Brown (Leader Resource 2), a copy of Black Pioneers in a White Denomination by Mark Morrison-Reed, a printout of the Jamaican flag, ... Activity 4: Story - Finding Your Way - Ethelred Brown From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 13 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Finding Your Way: Ethelred Brown" A chime, rain stick or other calming sound instrument Optional: Fidget object basket (Session 2, Leader Resource 2) Optional: A copy of the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook, Singing the Living... Activity 5: Truth and Meaning Treasure Hunt From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 19 minutes Materials for Activity Blank paper and writing and drawing implements Preparation for Activity Print out and cut the leader resource, one word per slip. You may wish to use bright-colored paper to help children find the slips of paper.... Closing From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 7 minutes Materials for Activity Faithful Journeys Path Signpost for Session 8 (Leader Resource 3) and pins, glue stick or tape Copies of Session 1, Leader Resource 8, UU Principles Song, for all participants Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Print out... Leader Reflection and Planning From Faithful Journeys Take a few minutes to evaluate the session with your co-leader immediately afterward, while it is fresh. Share your thoughts with any other team co-leaders and your director of religious education. You might find it helpful to consider these questions: Which activities worked well?... Faith In Action: Promotional Poster From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Large sheet(s) of poster board Magazines to cut up for collage Scissors (including left-handed scissors) and glue sticks Preparation for Activity Post a blank sheet of newsprint. Set materials at work tables.... Alternate Activity 1: Conversation with a Minister From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Invite your congregation's parish minister, minister of religious education, or minister of music to meet with the group. Make the request well in advance. You may wish to schedule this activity... Alternate Activity 2: My Ministry Books From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Handout 1 for all participants Crayons and pencils Optional: Scissors (including left-handed scissors) and stapler Preparation for Activity Cut each handout into quarters. Staple the quarters together to form a book, with "My Ministry" on... Taking It Home: Seek Truth From Faithful Journeys Friend, I have lost the way. The way leads on. Is there another way? The way is one ... . I cannot find the way. The way leads on. Oh, places I have passed! That journey's done. And what will come at last? The way leads on. — excerpted from "The Way" by Edwin Muir, in Singing the Living Tradition... Finding Your Way Ethelred Brown Janeen K Grohsmeyer From Faithful Journeys One morning, more than a hundred years ago on the island of Jamaica, a boy named Ethelred Brown went to church. Usually at this church, the people sang their creed, their list of what they believed.... Handout 1: My Ministry Book From Faithful Journeys Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 1: Truth and Meaning Treasure Hunt From Faithful Journeys RESPECT KINDNESS ACCEPTANCE CURIOSITY FAIRNESS PEACE CONNECTION... Leader Resource 2: Picture of Ethelred Brown From Faithful Journeys Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 3: Signpost for Session 8 From Faithful Journeys Cut out the signpost to add to your Faithful Journeys Path. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Find Out More From Faithful Journeys Egbert Ethelred Brown Egbert Ethelred Brown is featured in Black Pioneers in a White Denomination by Mark Morrison-Reed (Boston: Skinner House, 1994). Biographic… information about Egbert Ethelred Brown is available online. Call to Ministry A reading by Gordon McKeeman beautifully describes... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Faithful Journeys NEXT: Introduction Download all of Faithful Journeys (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.