Activity 1: Story - The Empty Pot
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- A copy of story, "The Empty Pot"
- Optional: “The Empty Pot” coloring sheet, and crayons
Preparation for Activity
- Download, and print out story, "The Empty Pot." Review the story and prepare to tell it, rather than read it, to the group.
- Optional: Print the coloring sheet and copy for all participants. Place coloring sheets and crayons where children can use them when invited but will not be distracted beforehand.
Description of Activity
The story of Chen will help children see that no matter what they have to offer, their gifts and talents enrich the lives of others when honestly, lovingly shared. Gather the children. Tell the story, "The Empty Pot."
When you have finished, guide the group to identify Chen's gifts. You may ask:
- Who can think of some lovely, special things about Chen that he showed in the story?
Allow responses, which might include a love of gardening, love of family, perseverance, faith in himself, and honesty.
Then ask:
- Why did the Emperor pick Chen for the important job of ruling the land? Do you think Chen turned out to be pretty good at that job? Why?
Help the children discuss why Chen's traits would have fit the Emperor's idea of desirable qualities for a ruler.
Including All Participants
Offer children the opportunity to color the illustration provided for “The Magic Vase” to engage different learning styles and to help children focus on or relate to the story. A coloring activity can be a "preview" of a story. It can work as a quiet activity to help children physically settle. You might use it afterward to help the group recall and respond to the story.