Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Creating Home: A Program on Developing a Sense of Home Grounded in Faith for Grades K-1


Part of Creating Home

Activity time: 5 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle
  • Lighter and extinguisher, if needed
  • Labyrinth
  • Basket of name stones
  • Newsprint, markers, and tape

Preparation for Activity

  • Write the chalice-lighting words on newsprint, and post.
  • Memorize the chalice-lighting words so you can make eye contact with participants while you say them.
  • Spread the labyrinth on the floor with the chalice in the center.
  • On top of the labyrinth, place the basket of stones.

Description of Activity

As children enter, invite them to retrieve their name stones from the basket and join you at the labyrinth. Be aware of the possibility of guests or new children. Always have extra stones so you can offer the new people a chance to be part of the ritual.

When all are seated, light the chalice. Invite everyone to say with you:

We are Unitarian Universalists

with minds that think,

hearts that love,

and hands that are ready to serve.

You may like to teach the hand motions that accompany these words:

We are Unitarian Universalists,

cup thumb and index fingers of both hands to form a "U"

with minds that think,

place hands on forehead

hearts that love

place hands over heart

and hands that are ready to serve.

hands outstretched

Tell the children that one at a time, they may place their stones on the labyrinth. You may say:

This labyrinth reminds us that we are taking a journey together. Every session is another portion of the journey. Each time we meet, everyone will be asked to place their stone within the labyrinth. Each stone is a symbol of us as fellow members of this group.

Sharing with each other is a tradition in our faith community. When you place your stone on the labyrinth, please say your name and share any joys or concerns you have had since we last met. Joys are the things that make you feel happy and concerns are worries.

Invite children to come up, one at a time, to place a stone on the labyrinth, say their name, and voice any joys and concerns. You may have to prompt each individual if the group is not used to this opening ritual. When all have placed their name stones on the labyrinth, affirm, "It is very good to be together."

Say, in your own words:

Our meeting time for religious education in Creating Home is worship time we share together. Today we will be talking about worship time and ways we can share in other times of worship here at our faith home.

Extinguish the chalice.