Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Chalice Children: A Program about Our Unitarian Universalist Community for Preschoolers

Taking It Home: Valentine's Day

We are standing on the side of love; hands joined together as hearts beat as one. Emboldened by faith, we dare to proclaim we are standing on the side of love. — Hymn 1014 in Singing the Journey

IN TODAY'S SESSION... While love has been a theme throughout Chalice Children, the Valentine's Day session was pure love. The preschoolers made gifts for family and friends. Children learned that Unitarian Universalists "stand on the side of love" and advocate for all people to love whomever they choose. Celebrate that thing called "love!"

EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Share together... the books suggested for this session:

  • Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli and Paul Yalowitz, 1996. One wintry day, a postman delivers a mysterious package with a big pink bow to a lonely man named Mr. Hatch. Preview this book on YouTube.
  • Pete the Cat: Valentine's Day is Cool by James Dean and Kimberly Dean, 2013. Pete the Cat thinks Valentine's Day isn't cool until he realizes how many special cats there are in his life!
  • The Ballad of Valentine (Picture Puffin Books) by Alison Jackson and Tricia Tusa, 2005. Set to the tune of the song "Clementine," Alison Jackson tells the sweet tale of Valentine and her beau.
  • Love You When by Linda Kranz, 2012. Popular "rock artist" Linda Kranz reminds us that those we love are always with us. During the course of a day, something sparks a thought or memory, and a loved one comes to mind.
  • I Love You Book by Todd Parr, 2013. Todd Parr celebrates the unconditional love between parent and child.

EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Try... passing a family love heart around your home. Set a love heart on the stairs, tape it to a door knob, place it next to the sink, or leave it in another place for a family member to find it.

A Family Adventure. Make and leave valentines for your neighbors or friends.

Visit a location where you can see "love locks"—evidence of the custom of sweethearts affixing a padlock to a fences, a gate, a bridge or a similar public fixture to symbolize their everlasting love. See a list of locations around the world.

A Family Discovery. Watch the 20-minute Un-Valentine's movie with Pooh and friends, on YouTube.

Participate in Loveland, Colorado's Valentine Re-Mailing Program and order a special stamp, a poem or an e-card sent from Loveland.

A Family Game. Sing a Valentine's Day song together. Find videos online to help you learn "Ten Little Valentines" by Mr. Mike or "Valentine Heart" sung by Miss Tracey.

A Family Ritual. Say the names of people you love when you have a dinner table chalice-lighting.