Part of From the High Hill
Here are supplies you will need for the retreat weekends:
- Centering table with chalice, candle and matches (if desired, and allowed at the site) or an LED battery-operated chalice, a table cloth, and bouquet of fresh flowers
- Newsprint pads—the self-adhesive variety are the easiest to handle, though more expensive
- Water-based marking pens, preferably odorless, with broad tips
- Masking tape (or push pins if you are using a bulletin board)
- Ice water, iced tea, juice, coffee, and other refreshments
- A music player for the music (e.g., CDs) you plan to use
- Lined pads of paper and writing implements
- 3x5 self-adhesive note pads, one for each participant
- A journal to give each participant
- A copy of "Odyssey Writing: A Guide for Participants" (Chapter 3 of this resource) for each person. You may choose to put this in a small three-ring binder or a pocket folder.