Taking It Home
The prophetic liberal church is the church where persons think and work together to interpret the signs of the times in the light of their faith.
—James Luther Adams, 20th-century Unitarian theologian
Share your turning-point reflections with others in your congregation. This is a great opportunity for cross-generational conversations among congregational leaders. For example, an elder might speak with a high-schooler who is a leader within the youth group, or a newer congregational leader can interview a former church president of a different generation.
Consider with others how leaders might work to ensure that the congregation asks both “Are we doing the right things?” and “Are we doing things right?” Entrust a volunteer or two from your group to write a social media post or a short reflection to explain turning points. Create a forum for others to respond with their own turning-point stories.
Find Out More
Explore these web pages:
- Breakthrough Congregations on the UUA website
- The Emotional Dynamics of Change by Gilbert Rendle