Breakthrough Congregations

Part of Membership and Belonging

Breakthrough Congregations - New Ways for a New Day

Below you will find stories from UU Congregations showing growth, creativity and vitality in the program that ran from 2005-2019.

History of The Breakthrough Congregation Program

The Breakthrough Congregation program was a growth initiative started in 2004 during the administration of then-UUA President William Sinkford. Congregations who had experienced growth were nominated, and a four congregations were chosen to create a video to tell their story at General Assembly.

In 2017 the Breakthrough Congregations shifted gears, with the new focus on stories showcasing new models of vitality and successful approaches to leading change in UU communities of all kinds—congregations, covenanted communities or start-ups that have demonstrated new and better ways of meeting the needs of people who were currently underserved or not served at all in our religious communities. Those stories were featured in the UUWorld magazine.