UU World Summer 2019 Audio Recordings

By UUA Periodicals, Communications

Audio Recordings of Selected Essays, Summer 2019

Ways to Listen

  1. Listen to each article below by simply selecting the link to the MP3 file.
  2. Right-click, control-click, or use the applications key to download any MP3 article.
  3. Download all articles in a ZIP file.



The black oak is a bodhisattva (MP3)
Simply by existing, it serves many others. For human beings in an era of climate change, the work of the bodhisattva is a path of kindness, a choice to serve others as a way of life.
by Stephanie Kaza

It’s time to learn (MP3) [from We’re right here]
There is no excuse for refusing to learn, when there are teachers all around us.
by Sean Parker Dennison

Queering faith (MP3) [from We’re right here]
At the core of Unitarian Universalism is the idea that my truth and your truth can both be true, even if they contradict each other.
by Alex Kapitan

From the President

An essential spiritual and moral value (MP3)
If our justice work does not emerge from the moral and spiritual value of love, in the end it will reinforce practices of domination and violence, just in new forms.
by Susan Frederick-Gray in From the president


The First Principle at work in prisons (MP3)
Two UU ministers work together as chaplains in Oregon’s women’s prison.
by Elaine McArdle

UU mathematician Karen Uhlenbeck is first woman to win Abel Prize (MP3)
by Andrea Dulanto


Moving mountains one stone at a time (MP3)
Our work for social justice.
by Elizabeth Nguyen


Creating a greener General Assembly (MP3)
The legacy of Jan Sneegas. 
by Elaine McArdle


Commission invites UUs to build ‘truly hospitable’ faith (MP3)
Perspectives from the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change.