PWR Grants

During this unique time in history, with a global pandemic and uprisings for justice, the PWR has been looking at our assets and resources to see how they could be used to help move the arc of the universe. Putting our Generosity to Work is part of that effort.
The Pacific Western Region Staff plans to distribute residual grant monies collected at and prior to the 2013 Regional Assembly. Congregations can apply for one or both of these growth-oriented grants. Applications will be reviewed, and award decisions made, by a regional volunteer team of volunteers as well as a liaison from the PWR-UUA staff.
The Leap of Faith grants are to assist with congregational growth in a multitude of areas, including active partnership with local communities and implementation of COIC recommendations to widen the circle of our faith. Approximately 10 of these $3000 grants will be awarded.
The Big Faith grant program is to facilitate the uses of technology growing our faith. This might include web page modernization, online worship or staff training in social media. Approximately 8 of these $1000 grants will be awarded
Applications will be accepted through October 11, 2021. Recipient organizations are expected to report back on how the money was used. Potentially these reports could be included in future PWR newsletters.
Interested congregations, and covenanting communities with fiscal sponsorship, can apply for either or both PWR Grant.
If you are interested in serving on the selection team please apply. We hope to have many perspectives at the decision-making table.