Displaying 1 - 10 of 27

This list includes every page or product from UUA.org, UU World magazine, or inSpirit books & gifts that is tagged with Autumnal Equinox or its children.

  • High up, the wild geese have pulled the rusty doorway of Autumn closed behind them, their sharp music a choir of deep acoustic truth.

    Poetry | By Jennifer Pratt-Walter | July 31, 2024 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Animals, Autumnal Equinox, Earth, Earth-Centered, Fall, Nature, Winter, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Hope continues, uncertain and true, like candlelight, ready to spark again.

    Chalice Extinguishing | By Kevin Jagoe | November 2, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Autumnal Equinox, Despair, Disaster or Crisis, Fall, Hope, Winter, Winter Solstice / Yule, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • We light this chalice to kindle a flame of warmth as a reminder of the connection that draws us in to a community that opens us up.

    Chalice Lighting | By Amy Brooks | October 14, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: #COVID19, Autumnal Equinox, Winter Solstice / Yule, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Like the sun moving toward the shortest day, each moment arises—and is gone before we know it.

    Meditation | By Lori Gorgas Hlaban | October 13, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 7th Principle (Interconnected Web), Autumnal Equinox, Balance, Earth, Earth-Centered, Nature, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • As we move deeper into the season, There are some things we know. Fall brings a growing darkness That we cannot escape. The nights become cooler And take on winter’s chill. The leaves on the trees and blades of grass Try on new suits of yellow, orange, red and brown....

    Responsive Reading | By Viola Abbitt | January 2, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 7th Principle (Interconnected Web), Autumnal Equinox, Awe, Beauty, Earth, Earth-Centered, Humility, Letting Go, Nature, Transformation
  • Spirit of Life, ancestor of the stars and the sun, you who embrace the vastness of space and us along with it, be with us today. Hold us in our worry, our exhaustion, our grief. Keep us close as we sit with our truth, whatever that may be....

    Prayer | By Lyn Cox | January 2, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Autumnal Equinox, Awe, Contemplation, Courage, Earth-Centered, Nature, Summer Solstice, Vernal Equinox, Vulnerability, Winter Solstice / Yule, Wonder
  • The hours of day and night are in balance. In honor of Earth-centered traditions that celebrate this time of year, we observe that the flaming chalice holds the elements of the four directions: Earth, air, fire, water. The lamp oil for earth The air that feeds the flame The fire we light And the...

    Chalice Lighting | By Sharon Wylie | December 22, 2017 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Autumnal Equinox, Balance, Earth, Earth-Centered, Nature, Searching, Vernal Equinox
  • Hold fast to summer. Enjoy with heightened appreciation these still-warm September days. Create more memories, take more pictures. Enjoy a bit of denial. Suck all the summer sweetness out of your sun-warmed garden tomatoes. Smile at someone. Squeeze a hand. Put up some jam or pickles....

    Affirmation | By Ben Soule | December 14, 2017 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Autumnal Equinox, Beauty, Earth, Earth-Centered, Gratitude, Joy, Nature, Summer, Wonder
  • This hands-on ritual could be used to celebrate Earth Day, a Solstice, or an Equinox. Before the service begins, set up a table or two (or more) with several stations for people to plant seeds....

    Ritual | By Diana Smith | July 4, 2017 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 7th Principle (Interconnected Web), Abundance, Autumnal Equinox, Earth, Earth Day, Earth-Centered, Food, Nature, Summer Solstice, Vernal Equinox, Water Communion
  • This hymn (sheet music is available) was written as a Celtic-style harvest song. Come as the summer turns t'ward autumn; Come as the long-night stars climb high'r. Come as time's unceasing turning Wheels us 'round 'round the harvest fire. Chorus: So we go From daylight toward the night. So we go,...

    Music | By Patrick DeSimio | April 25, 2017 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 7th Principle (Interconnected Web), Autumnal Equinox, Earth, Earth-Centered, Fall, Nature, Wisdom