Welcome to the Mosaic Lifespan Anti-Racism Curriculum Series! For decades, religious educators have been asking for a lifespan curriculum series. In 2020, the Commission on Institutional Change’s report, “Widening the Circle of Concern” (UUA), the commission recommended the, “[development of] tools that allow congregations to hold conversations across generations about issues of inclusion, with the goal of recognizing the evolution in our Living Tradition and that spiritual development needs change over time.” (p.99)
With its “playlist” format and age/identity-based curricula, this series seeks to address the desire for lifelong learning around anti-racism that also is easily adaptable to both the evolving discourse around racism and the ever-changing spiritual development needs of Unitarian Universalists. Each curriculum series includes lessons designed to support the faith development and engagement of each identity group, as well as to enhance our growing collective understanding of best practices and justice-centered discourse arising from BIPOC movements to decolonize and decenter whiteness. The playlist format, featuring both UU and non-UU resources, provides easy-to-facilitate lessons in virtual, in-person, and hybrid learning environments.
Each lesson playlist consists of the following elements, curated by Unitarian Universalist religious professionals with a specific identity group in mind and on a specific topic related to anti-racism:
Open: chalice lighting words or song, followed by other classroom rituals, including joys and concerns or check-ins
Read: audio or video of a book or an article to explore together
Watch: developmentally—appropriate video
Do: craft, game, or other activity
Close: chalice extinguishing words and other classroom rituals to close the circle
Take Home: suggested activity and/or conversation starter to encourage further faith development at home
This curriculum series will be updated with newer resources as needed. Please contact faithengagement@uua.org if you discover a resource that should be updated. Thank you.