Strategic Board

Offered as a “next level” training for boards that understand their basic role in the congregation, or for Policy or Strategic boards in larger congregations, The Strategic Board offers a deeper dive into:
- The board as fiduciary agents who have a deep commitment as stewards of the mission and vision of the congregation.
- The board as spiritual leaders who enter deep discernment conversations with self-awareness, courage, and humility.
- The board as strategic thinkers who understand congregations as organic systems, and understand the need for strategic planning and feedback loops.
- The board as change agents who are savvy about how to help the congregation transform in times of change and disruption.
We will also offer case studies and other materials for your board to use at your annual retreat.
This training is organized into Modules and topics, but you can access the materials in any order (i.e. “free form”), and mark them as complete to help you keep track of your progress.
UU Board Foundations, LeaderLab Board Resources, or equivalent.
Training fee: $15
Take the training The Strategic Board
(Note: You will redirected to a separate website, UU Institute , a online learning management system (LMS) managed by the UUA.)
How To Take Trainings From the UU Leadership Institute
Register for trainings at UU Institute. Once you register you will get an email with a confirmation link that you need to click to activate the account. (You may need to check your spam folder. Please add to your safe senders list.)
There is a a full video tutorial on how register for the site, purchase a training and how to navigate the trainings.