Business & Social Witness at General Assembly 2021

The General Assembly (GA) is the annual business meeting of the denomination.

The Delegates to the 2021 General Assembly adopted the Statement of Conscience: Undoing Systemic White Supremacy (PDF) and affirmed three Actions of Immediate Witness and two Responsive Resolutions.

Some but not all of the Annual Reports to the 2021 General Assembly are presented during General Sessions.

General Sessions

Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Co-Moderators Rev. Meg Riley and Charles Du Mond preside over the general sessions in which the business of the Association is conducted.​ Read the Guide to General Assembly Business for more information.

The business to be transacted is set forth in the official business agenda.

Video, transcripts, and additional information is available on the page for each session.

Candidates Forum

  • Candidates Forum and Information Session
    The UUA Nominating Committee explains its processes and introduces its members and its candidates for the Board of Trustees and elected Committees. The second part of the program features a discussion between the two candidates for the contested Board of Trustees seat, moderated by the Election Campaign Practices Committee, and Q&A.