How A Congregation’s Delegates are Determined

Member Delegates

All certified congregations have one member delegate for every 50 members (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of two delegates.

The Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) is entitled to 22 member delegates.
Membership of Member CongregationMember Delegates
over 500One for each additional 50
members or fraction thereof.

Every congregation decides how to select member delegates and whether or not it will instruct delegates how to vote. The relationship between a congregation and its delegates (including whether or how delegate expenses, such as General Assembly (GA) registration fees, are paid by the congregation) is determined by the congregation, not the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).

Congregations may also designate members of the congregation to serve as alternate member delegates to take the place of member delegates at GA, if needed.

All delegates must be voting members of the congregation.

How to obtain and distribute the congregation's delegate credentials.

Religious Professional Delegates

The following religious professionals serving, affiliated with, or employed by certified congregations are eligible to receive delegate credentials:

  • Ministers in preliminary or final fellowship with the Association and employed at least half time (including extension and interim ministers).
  • Community Ministers who maintain active involvement and affiliation with a congregation and working at least half time in any ministry setting.
  • Religious Educators who are active members of the Liberal Religious Educators Association and employed by the congregation.
  • Emeritus/a Ministers and religious educators designated as such by a vote at a meeting of the certified member congregation they were settled/employed by not less than six months prior to General Assembly.

Certified member congregations shall certify that its minister delegates meet the criteria for minister in accordance with this Rule (Settled Ministers 4.9.2). A congregation is entitled to the number of accredited community minister delegates equal to the number of member delegates to which it is entitled under Bylaw Section 4.8(a). Religious Professional Delegate credentials are for specific individuals and are not transferable. Refer to UUA Bylaws Section 4.8 and Rule 4.9.2 for details.

Congregations are only responsible for assigning credentials to member delegates. Ministers and religious educators can retrieve their credentials via Credential Self-Service Portal.

Delegate Registration

Credentialed delegates may participate in discussion and voting on Business Agenda items or motions during General Sessions at General Assembly.

Delegates must register for GA  and have three options for participation:

  1. In-person Registrant
    In-person registration is required for all live GA events and programming taking place in Portland, Oregon. In-person registration includes access to virtual content available on the GA app, powered by Whova. In-person registration is the same process for delegates and non-delegates; delegates may register before or after determining their delegate status. General Assembly registration is required for all in-person participants, including in-person delegates.
  2. Full Virtual Registrant
    Virtual registration is required for access to virtual GA programming, including workshops, worship services, the Ware Lecture, featured speakers, Opening and Closing celebrations, exhibits, entertainment, and networking. Virtual GA programming will be streamed on the GA app, powered by Whova. Delegates will use the GA Delegate Platform for discussion and voting during General Sessions. Virtual registration is the same process for delegates and non-delegates; delegates may register before or after determining their delegate status.
  3. Business-only Virtual Registrant
    Business-only registration provides access to the GA Delegate Platform for discussion and voting during General Sessions. Payment is not required but a donation to offset production and platform costs is suggested. Business-only registrants will not have access to GA programming, the GA app, networking opportunities, or the exhibit hall. GA delegates are strongly encouraged to register as Full Virtual Registrants; financial support is available.