The "Our Beliefs" Section of Your Congregation's Website
Don’t just list the Principles and Sources on your “Our Beliefs” page. Say what Unitarian Universalists in your congregation believe in accessible and authentic language. Feel free to use or modify the text on’s What We Believe page and its subpages.
Here's recommended text:
Our Beliefs
In Unitarian Universalism, you can bring your whole self: your full identity, your questioning mind, your expansive heart.
Together, we create a force more powerful than one person or one belief system. As Unitarian Universalists, we do not have to check our personal background and beliefs at the door: we join together on a journey that honors everywhere we’ve been before.
Our beliefs are diverse and inclusive. We have no shared creed. Our shared covenant (our seven Principles) supports “the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” Though Unitarianism and Universalism were both liberal Christian traditions, this responsible search has led us to an inclusive spirituality drawn from six sources: from scriptural wisdom to personal experience to modern day heroes.
Unitarian Universalists believe more than one thing. We think for ourselves, and reflect together, about important questions:
- The existence of a Higher Power
- Life and Death
- Sacred Texts
- Prayer and Spiritual Practices
We are united in our broad and inclusive outlook, and in our values, as expressed in our seven Principles. We are united in shared experience: our open and stirring worship services, religious education, and rites of passage; our work for social justice; our quest to include the marginalized; our expressions of love.
Learn more about Unitarian Universalists from a variety of beliefs and backgrounds: Atheist/Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, and more.
About Unitarian Universalism Page
Consider including a page about Unitarian Universalism beyond your congregation. Say more about our broader movement, with a focus on how we make a difference in people’s lives and in the world. See What We Do page for ideas.
Here is sample text:
Unitarian Universalism creates change: in ourselves, and in the world.
Seven days a week, UUs live their faith by doing. Whether in community with others or as an individual, we know that active, tangible expressions of love, justice, and peace are what make a difference.
Unitarian Universalist congregations are committed to seven Principles that include the worth of each person, the need for justice and compassion, and the right to choose one’s own beliefs. Our congregations and faith communities promote these principles through regular worship, learning and personal growth, shared connection and care, social justice and service, celebration of life’s transitions, and much more.
Our faith tradition is diverse and inclusive. We grew from the union of two radical Christian groups: the Universalists, who organized in 1793, and the Unitarians, who organized in 1825. They joined to become the UUA in 1961. Both groups trace their roots in North America to the early Massachusetts settlers and the Framers of the Constitution. Across the globe, our legacy reaches back centuries to liberal religious pioneers in England, Poland, and Transylvania. Today, Unitarian Universalists include people of many beliefs who share UU values of peace, love, and understanding. We are creators of positive change in people and in the world.
UU Principles and Sources Page
The UU Principles and Sources are easier for newcomers to understand if they have a little framing. See the UU Principles and Sources page on the demo site for text you can use.
Kids’ Principles Page
Include a page listing the UU Principles in kids’ language. See them on our demo site.
Our Symbol: The Flaming Chalice Page
Include a page about the flaming chalice, because it appears in almost all UU services. Display a photo of your congregation’s chalice in use.
For text, see this page from the demo site and the articles and resources it links to.