Greater Pittsburgh
The UUs of Greater Pittsburgh cluster is served by one primary contact.
This cluster has an google group discussion email list for congregational leadership and members. Learn more and subscribe.
Looking to connect: You can visit their website at UUs of Great Pittsburgh, they are on Twitter @uupittsburgh and you can email them at
The congregations in this cluster include:
- UU Congregation, Erie (also in Northwest PA)
- First Unitarian Universalist (UU) Church of Indiana, PA
- UU Fellowship of Ligonier Valley
- East Suburban UU Church
- Allegheny UU Church
- First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh
- UU Church of the North Hills
- UU Church of the South Hills
- Ginger Hill UU Congregation
- UU Congregation of Smithton
- UU Congregation of the Ohio Valley, Bellaire, OH
- UU Fellowship of Morgantown (also with WV for legislative issues)