Displaying 1 - 19 of 19

  • BECAUSE Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person and justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; and WHEREAS Senator Edward Kennedy, along with Senator John Chafee and with the support of over 25 other Senators and 108 members o...
    1994 | Resolution of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, LGBTQ Welcome & Equality
  • WHEREAS the Principles and Purposes adopted in the By-Laws of the UUA specify that: "We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations"; WHEREAS...
    1989 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity
  • WHEREAS, the United States Constitution mandates the government to establish justice and promote the general welfare; and WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist Association affirms the inherent worth and dignity of every person; and WHEREAS, the issues of poverty and unemployment are also of great...
    1985 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, Economic Justice
  • WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist Association has repeatedly taken stands to affirm the rights of gay and lesbian persons over the past decade; and WHEREAS, legal marriages are currently denied gay and lesbian couples by state and provincial governments of North America; and WHEREAS, freedom of...
    1984 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity, LGBTQ Welcome & Equality
  • WHEREAS, in the United States women are still deprived of equal Constitutional rights, equal salaries, equal access to positions of responsibility and equal treatment in terms of health care, insurance and Social Security; and WHEREAS, men would benefit from equality of rights under the law; and...
    1983 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Gender Justice, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity, Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, in the Bakke case, the Supreme Court affirmed the use of color as one of the means of opening opportunities for professional, scholarly, and technical training to blacks and other historically disadvantaged groups; and WHEREAS, relatively few blacks and other historically disadvantaged...
    1979 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, Racial Justice
  • WHEREAS, there are millions of persons in the United States and Canada who are blind, deaf, physically or mentally disabled, or otherwise with special needs; and WHEREAS, these people suffer from discrimination and segregation in education, employment, transportation, and freedom of access becaus...
    1977 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity
  • WHEREAS, since March 4, 1977, several states, including Florida, Illinois, Georgia, and Arizona, have considered and not passed the Equal Rights Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation Board reaffirmed at the June, 1977 meeting their resolve to meet only in those sta...
    1977 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Gender Justice, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity, Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, an amendment to the United States Constitution to provide equal rights for women has been ratified by thirty-five states; and WHEREAS, there remain fifteen states which have not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment and three affirmative decisions by states are necessary by March 22, 1979 ...
    1977 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Gender Justice, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity, Reproductive Health
  • RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association publish each year in a manner intended to achieve wide notice a report of its efforts to provide equal employment opportunity to women and racial minorities at all levels of its staff, said report to include a statistical summary similar in sc...
    1973 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity
  • WHEREAS, the 1970 General Assembly of the UUA by unanimous vote expressed its agreement with the support of Project Equality; and WHEREAS, this General Assembly of 1972 desires to demonstrate that the UUA implement its affirm-ations of social justice; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the General...
    1972 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, Racial Justice
  • RECOGNIZING: That women have minority status in terms of employment opportunities, legal rights, the educational system, political power, and positions of influence in religious bodies; AWARE: That woman tend to react to their cultural image by limiting their aspirations and by forming low...
    1970 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Gender Justice, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity, Reproductive Health
  • BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1969 General Assembly: Urges the Unitarian Universalist Association to continue and intensify its relation with the Project Equality Council; and further Urges its local societies to participate in Project Equality wherever it is operating in their local community; and Ur...
    1969 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, Racial Justice
  • BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1968 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association: Commends the President and the United States Congress for passing civil rights legislation requiring equal opportunity in housing, calls upon the Congress to broaden further such legislation to cover all...
    1968 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity
  • RESOLVED: That Unitarian Universalists be urged to work for comprehensive "open occupancy" legislation at all levels and that such legislation embody firm and unambiguous enforcement procedures; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the President of the United States be encouraged to extend the federal...
    1965 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, Economic Justice
  • WHEREAS, the President of the United States has stated that one-fifth of all American families have resources inadequate to meet their basic needs and has announced a war on poverty in America and has called for a cooperative effort to deal with its causes and cures; WHEREAS, the blight of povert...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, Economic Justice
  • RESOLVED: That in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Unitarian Universalist Association, this Association and its members hereby declare and affirm their special responsibility to promote the full participation of persons, without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin, in...
    1964 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity
  • WHEREAS, the Unitarian and Universalist movements have historically affirmed the supreme worth of every human personality, the dignity of man, the use of the democratic method in human relationships, and the ideals of brotherhood, justice and peace; and WHEREAS, refusal to welcome persons into...
    1963 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity
  • BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association urges the President of the United States to promulgate an executive order prohibiting discrimination in federal housing and urban renewal programs and establishing a committee to develop a program of implementation of the same. BE IT...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity, LGBTQ Welcome & Equality, Racial Justice