Displaying 1 - 13 of 13

  • WHEREAS, in the Bakke case, the Supreme Court affirmed the use of color as one of the means of opening opportunities for professional, scholarly, and technical training to blacks and other historically disadvantaged groups; and WHEREAS, relatively few blacks and other historically disadvantaged...
    1979 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, Racial Justice
  • WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist Association has a long, rich history of social outreach into communities, with innovative programs and solutions, and of supporting environments in which humans may best maximize and fulfill their potential; and WHEREAS, in every community across the continent...
    1979 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, a basic principle of the Unitarian Universalist Association is to "implement the vision of one world by striving for a world community founded on ideals of brotherhood, justice, and peace"; and WHEREAS, delegates of the historic peace churches—Friends, Mennonites, and Brethren—gathered...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict
  • WHEREAS, President Carter has proposed a federal budget which calls for significant increases in military expenditures, while at the same time calling for major cuts in expenditures for human and social services; and WHEREAS, this shift in federal priorities is likely to have disastrous effects o...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict
  • WHEREAS, reversal of the arms race must be the overwhelming priority on the human agenda because escalating military power: Diverts crucial resources from human and environmental needs; Contributes to runaway inflation and inhibits full employment; Leads toward the certainty of planetary holocaus...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, Nuclear Disarmament
  • WHEREAS, continued nuclear proliferation increases the danger of accidental nuclear warfare; and WHEREAS, the stockpiling of nuclear weapons increases the probability of the extinction of ALL life on earth in the event of nuclear war; BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1979 General Assembly of the Unitaria...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, Nuclear Disarmament
  • WHEREAS, the present system of health care in the United States (which costs approximately $180 billion per year) is often uneven in quality, availability of professional services, and in geographical distribution; and WHEREAS, the present system is unjustly expensive for many who cannot afford t...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Economic Justice, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, world health authorities have documented the disastrous effect the widespread marketing of infant formula has had upon the nutrition and well-being of millions of babies in less developed nations; and...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Children & Youth Reproductive Justice, Economic Justice, Reproductive Health, Socially Responsible Investing, Reproductive Justice
  • WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist bylaws state that our Association promotes "the full participation of persons in all of its and their activities and in the full range of human endeavor without regard to . . . age"; and WHEREAS, our denomination profits from participation from young people to...
    1979 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Children & Youth Reproductive Justice, Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, according to the Report of the Status of Children published in 1977 by the Office of Human Development of the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, there are 6.5 million children under the age of six with single working parents; and WHEREAS, between 1963 and 1976 the number of...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Children & Youth Reproductive Justice, Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, General Assemblies of the Unitarian Universalist Association have opposed capital punishment by resolutions in 1961, 1966, and 1974; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned resolutions have urged complete abolition of capital punishment as inconsistent with respect for human life; for its...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Criminal Justice, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, the battering of women in the home is a family and societal problem related to the violation of basic human rights in a significant way both nationally and globally; and WHEREAS, the problem is compounded by the legal and social system's inability to protect victims of abuse adequately; ...
    1979 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Gender Justice, Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, solar space and hot water heating is practical and cost effective; and WHEREAS, government research, development, promotional efforts and tax credits have stressed complex and expensive active systems and underemphasized more reliable, cost effective passive and simple active systems; BE...
    1979 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Climate & Environmental Justice, Energy Justice