Supportive Services for Single Adults and Their Families 1979 Business Resolution

WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist Association has a long, rich history of social outreach into communities, with innovative programs and solutions, and of supporting environments in which humans may best maximize and fulfill their potential; and

WHEREAS, in every community across the continent there are increasing numbers of adults and their families experiencing status change problems of singleness— whether by never marrying, by divorce or by death of spouse; and

WHEREAS, this large single population is in urgent need of the services and support which a liberal church can best provide, that of a church-sponsored haven or center of acceptance and nurture; single and previously marred adults are important supporters/contributors to their societies; and

WHEREAS, the creation and maintenance of supportive activities for single adults and their families is already a valuable concern of a number of societies in our denominations and some of which already have useful experience regarding appropriate programs for singles and can furnish guidance and models (such as "Discovery" — Rockville, Maryland; "Solo Center"—Seattle, Washington; and others) which might be shared; and

WHEREAS, there is need for insight, sharing and reconciliation between single and married adults within the community and the church which can best be accomplished within a Unitarian Universalist society setting; and

WHEREAS, the single person with his/her interests and talents can be a valuable member of the church/fellowship if encouraged to be a part of the church family; and

WHEREAS, it is an appropriate and legitimate concern of Unitarian and Universalist societies and of this Assembly to raise the consciousness of all Unitarian Universalists and of our larger communities to the very real problems and needs of single adults and their families;

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1979 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association recognizes that the provision of "supportive societies" for single adults and their families is a legitimate concern of the member societies;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association is charged:

  1. To encourage districts, clusters, councils and local societies to support and promote the development of programs for singles' concerns;
  2. To encourage the Unitarian Universalist Association to serve as a resource for singles' concerns, within the limits of the present staff, structure, and budget, through its Department of Ministerial and Congregational Services and the UU World.