
Dormitories are used when programs are on college/university campuses, some retreat centers, and hostels. They typically have 2 or more beds with either shared or en-suite bathroom facilities.

A designated UUA staff person (or equivalent responsible adult) must be available by predetermined means at all times in the building where youth are staying.

Training events held in dormitories will house youth by self-identified gender identity. Youth with a non-binary gender identity will be housed on a case by case basis, such as housed with another youth known to be supportive and affirming. Awake adult supervision is provided until curfew, after which youth are expected to be in their rooms, in their own bed, and asleep.

Youth under 18 will not be roomed with youth 18 or older, to avoid putting youth over 18 into a legally unequal situation. Participants attending as youth will never be housed with participants attending as young adults.

Youth should be asked if they need alternative accommodations and any requests for singles or other configurations based on orientation, gender identity, medical issue, etc. should be met if possible.

Only individuals assigned to a room are allowed in the room when the door is closed.

Violations of these boundaries or curfew will be immediately reported to the group assigned to monitor the community well-being and consequences may involve being sent home.