Prayer for Bridging

As the child leaves the doorstep, the parent prays:
Please, keep my child safe,
And give me the courage to let them go out to explore the world.

The child prays,
Watch over my parents while I’m gone,
And help them believe that I really do know what I’m doing.

The grandparent prays,
Thank you for this precious gift twice given.
Let me remember that my child and my grandchild is each their own person,
And let them remember that my door is always open.

Blessed be, and Amen.


By Kayla Parker

From Skinner House Books

A spiritual companion for young adults and all who live amid transitions and tensions. Dozens of carefully selected readings address themes that are prominent for people in their twenties and early thirties.

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By Bart Frost

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

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