This Essential Work of Justice and Liberation for All
By no means are we [Unitarian Universalists] perfect; we often fail as much as we succeed. Yet even when "we have broken our vows a thousand times,"* we return to this essential work of justice and liberation for all. We do the work best when we remember what church is and what it is not. Church is not a place to hide. It is not the place to get away from the world. It is not a place where we get to pretend that the lives we live and our particular situations are not terribly complex, often confusing, and sometimes depressing. Church is the place where we stand with one another, look the world in the eye, attempt to see clearly, and gather strength to face what we see with courage, and yes, with joy.
*a reference to a line in Rumi's poem: "Come, come, whoever you are...Come, even if you have broken your vow a thousand times."
This reading is from Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt's essay, "Our Faith."
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